One of our vigilant tipsters noticed that Scientologists have wormed their way into an anti-gang conference happening next week at a Los Angeles high school.
It’s called the National Unity Summit, which we hadn’t heard of. The organization has a rather rustic website with some interesting ideas about spelling, and the event appears to be the creation of a Dr. Gregory Tatum. Here’s how he explains the event:
“The vision of the National Unity Summit is to study the division of communities by gang and territorial control that has ruined our communities in this nation over many decades…We will use former gang members and at-risk youths to help reach some of our objectives. We will solicit the help of parents, pastors, teachers and community leaders, no stone will be left un-turn. This is a move of God call by God to help stop our youth from acts of violence in this nation, join us in this vision.”
Here’s the disastrous flier that goes with it…

Our tipster gave us this rundown on the event…
A National Unity Summit will be held on Saturday, September 27, 2014, at Dorsey High School in Los Angeles.
Scientology is heavily involved — but only through its front groups. The Way To Happiness and Foundation for a Drug-Free World are sponsors.
Another Scientology front group, United for Human Rights, is involved
Scientology spokesman Bob Adams is speaking, but his connection to the church isn’t mentioned.
Another person listed as a speaker is Rizza Islam. I knew Rizza was International Ambassador at the World Literacy Crusade, as well as youth minister at Reverend Alfreddie Johnson’s True Faith “Christian” Center. I didn’t know Rizza also “works as the director of museum promotion for the Citizens Commission on Human Rights International.” That must be a new gig.
Those are just the organizations and names I recognize off the top of my head. Several things strike me about this. First, Scientology is using a very stealthy approach. The word ‘Scientology’ does not appear anywhere (though Rizza admits he trained at Hubbard College as a Course Administrator). Second, it appears that the overwhelming number of speakers are not related to Scientology and are legitimate. Many appear to be from Christian organizations.
Third, and this is related to the two points above, Scientology’s approach is more subtle and sophisticated than I’m used to seeing. To my recollection, anytime Scientology has been involved in an event like this, it has controlled and dominated the event — even through its front groups. That does not appear to be the case here. This is much more in line with Hubbard’s instruction to penetrate, not overwhelm. Fourth, this is further evidence of Scientology’s attempts to make inroads in the African-American community, and to do so in a very stealthy, camouflaged and, yes, sophisticated manner.
Other speakers with connections to Scientology: Tekela Scott. Bishop Franklin Harris, whose bio indicates that he provides Way to Happiness workshops at Scientology’s Inglewood Community Center. John Redman, executive director of California for Drug-Free Youth. And Bishop Foley Parker, who works with the Foundation for a Drug-Free World.
It appears another sponsor, Crossover Outreach, is also a Scientology front group or perhaps, more precisely, a front group of a front group. Crossover Outreach links to United for Human Rights. Crossover also announced its alliance with California for Drug-Free Youth.
A final observation. When I look at the Featured Guests page, I have to admit that Scientology appears to be making important alliances. Featured speakers include Dr. Cecil Murray, former pastor of the First AME Church in Los Angeles and current professor at USC. The Church of Scientology has played this very smart.
Thanks for that interesting rundown, tipster.
Posted by Tony Ortega on September 20, 2014 at 07:00
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