Some links to Q-related items today
Continue reading DOGE learning about government as it whacks it, and libturds howl
Continue reading The fresh smell of freedom: Trump taking trips on your dime
Continue reading Trump asserts he’s beyond the law, and who’s to contradict him?
Continue reading Elon to Trump: ‘They’re trying to drive us apart, my lord’
Continue reading With Congress cowed, can the courts hold back a Musk-Trump dictatorship?
Continue reading The MAGA fire sale of US government agencies and buildings picks up its pace
Continue reading Red, white, and blueland: More proof we live in the dumbest possible timeline
Continue reading Trump likes hearing that Putin is watching his tariffs ‘at the feet of the master’
Continue reading Trump disses Taylor, MAGA boos halftime at lame Super Bowl
Continue reading Nero my god to thee: Is America ready for its swan song?