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Mark Bunker: Clearwater is being pressured to knuckle under to Scientology (again)

Mark_BunkerThe Underground Bunker is thrilled to debut a short film made by Mark Bunker that should shake up some people in Clearwater, Florida.

We’d read the reports by the Tampa Bay Times that the city had recently paid consultants at the Urban Land Institute $125,000 to help Clearwater plot a new course of redevelopment, and that the ensuing study had recommended a closer relationship between the city and the Church of Scientology.

But we had no idea how one-sided that recommendation was, and how much it ignored local history. Mark Bunker has taken a segment from the presentation given by the Institute’s Brad Rogers, and he puts it into context in a way only Bunker could…



Did you get that? Brad spent a whole week learning about Scientology! He read the literature! He took a tour! He spoke to the woman at the front desk!

And gosh, he thinks it’s just like any other large, institutional landowner.

We love the way Mark Bunker destroys that pablum with some great citations from history, including some fun video clips. Wise Beard Man is back!


Bonus Video: Grant Cardone’s coming to Moscow!

We have an endless fascination for Scientology bully Grant Cardone, who is spreading the message of WISE (the World Institute of Scientology Enterprises) to Russia. How motivational!



Posted by Tony Ortega on August 12, 2014 at 07:00

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