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Three weeks out of Scientology: Fresh information from a ‘blown’ Sea Org member

Jillian_SchlesingerKaren de la Carriere has an amazing video for us this week. She talked to Jillian Schlesinger, who left Scientology’s inner “Sea Organization” just a few weeks ago after 12 years of dedicated work.

Joining at only 18, Jillian says she was working 19 hour days and taking home only about eight dollars a week — and yet some of her pay was set aside in order to contribute to birthday gifts for Scientology leader David Miscavige.

But there was one thing Jillian told Karen that should — in a just world — get the attention of the Internal Revenue Service. Here’s what she said:

There was an analysis done some months ago, probably about six months ago now. And he [David Miscavige] had reviewed that in Florida, there’s about 2,000 Sea Org members, and they send up $1.5 million a week to him. Then, looking in all of LA, there’s about 2,000 Sea Org members, and they were not sending up that much to him every week. So, he wanted a huge rearrangement of staff, and then to make a, in-house, out-of-Sea-Org-member, construction unit, so that we could save money doing it ourselves, even though we have no training in construction, and then we don’t have to hire anyone. And then I was doing that for about the last six months.

Wow. Karen tells us that Jillian spent much of her time at the Hollywood Guaranty Building on Hollywood Boulevard, and some time in Bridge Publications, which puts out Scientology’s books. She says that Jillian tells her 80 percent of Sea Org at Flag are now Russian nationals.

So check out this great interview. Karen’s really outdone herself…



The best part — Jillian told Karen that more than a dozen other longtime Sea Org members all “blew” — ditched Scientology — in recent days, and we’re hoping to talk to some of them soon.

Now, on to our weekly feature, Sunday Funnies!

We suspected that Michelle Stafford’s decision to quit The Young And The Restless might have had something to do with the fact that another longtime actor on the series, Michael Fairman, has become a vocal critic after leaving Scientology (and has frequently been featured here at the Bunker).

So what’s Michelle up to after giving up that sweet gig? Well, she’s got this going for her…


Someone help us understand what’s going on here…


We’re really not entirely sure about the theme of this rockin’ party. But it looks like folks had a helluva time writing big checks!


L. Ron Hubbard is my buddy! He’s such a buddy, he wants all my money and wants me to snitch on all my friends and family!


Hey, Paul, how are those OT superpowers working out for you?


We loved the visual style of this one.

correct dori promo

Philly in the house! Wow, we almost never hear from the City of Brotherly Love…


A reminder of tonight’s shindig in LA…


Eric looks so excited…

eric falkow email flash

An Ideal Org convention on the Freewinds! What will they think of next!


Yeah, just keep telling yourself redoing the Student Hat is a great use of your cash, Jim!


Thanks again to our great tipsters.

And here’s a bonus! Tiziano Lugli has posted another of his fun photos from back in the day when Kirstie Alley used to hang out with the Lugli family. Doesn’t she look like she’s having fun? Yes, that’s Tiziano’s ear about to get her tongue-probe….


Hey, Kirstie, take a look at what your old friends are doing now!

Also, here’s video of the 60 Minutes Australia presentation. For Bunker readers, this is mostly old news, but the interviews with Monique and Marty are really good…



Posted by Tony Ortega on March 23, 2014 at 07:00

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GETTING OUR ETHICS IN (Jefferson Hawkins explains Scientology’s system of justice) 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14

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PZ Myers reads L. Ron Hubbard’s “A History of Man” | Scientology’s Master Spies | Scientology’s Private Dancer


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