It’s time for Sunday Funnies, when we take a look at the Scientology mailers and fliers that our tipsters send us from around the world.
As Scientology withers (see yesterday’s dire news about that if you haven’t already), we can’t help being very curious about which poor souls are still taking part and putting on a good face about all of the pressure to donate money.
As always, we’d love to hear more about the people you see in these fliers. If you recognize someone, let us know.
You may have heard that Sydney’s Ideal Org is opening on May 3 & 4. This is the latest in Scientology leader David Miscavige’s decade-long plan to convert ordinary orgs — Scientology’s word for churches — into fancified quasi-museums, often in historic properties. With the organization dwindling, there’s no need for the new buildings, but Miscavige considers it so valuable to be able to say that new buildings are opening up, he’s demanding constant fundraising to keep the program going.
And the best part is the big party he throws when he comes to town for the grand opening celebration. Which of our Sydney readers will be on the scene? Let us know!

An Ideal Org in Detroit? Now that seems optimistic…
Another OT 8 celebrating her experience on a lower level course. How lucrative for the church!
Another happy couple of donators in California…
This next event was promoted heavily in Silicon Valley. Erin Banks is the rising star in Scientology PR, and this evening was pitched as a big night of entertainment. How’d they do?
Another youngster donating thousands to the church. How heartwarming.
Hugo: More cause, less effect…
They just make this too easy. We figure that Observer might have some fun with that skull.
They really know how to name a party. (For the uninitiated — “ack” is Hubbardese for “acknowledge” or “acknowledgment.”)
Thanks again to our great tipsters! Keep those mailers and fliers coming!
Posted by Tony Ortega on April 6, 2014 at 07:00
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