TODAY AT SUBSTACK: If you’ve signed up for free emails at Substack, you will receive today’s feature story at your inbox: Yesterday we posted the appeal brief that Scientology submitted in Leah Remini’s lawsuit. We found the document repulsive. But could it be effective as a legal instrument? For some help on that, we turned once again to an appellate attorney who is familiar with this litigation. [What is this Substack thing, anyway?]
Technology Cocktail
“Charge is held in place by the basic on a chain. When only later than basic incidents are run charge can be restimulated and then bottled up again with a very small amount blown. This is known as ‘grinding out’ an incident. An engram is getting run, but as it is not basic on a chain, no adequate amount of charge is being released. Later than basic incidents are run either (a) to uncover more basic (earlier) incidents or (b) to clean up the chain after basic has been found and erased.” — L. Ron Hubbard, 1978
We first broke the news of the LAPD’s investigation of Scientology celebrity Danny Masterson on rape allegations in 2017, and we’ve been covering the story every step of the way since then. At this page we’ve collected our most important links as Danny faces a potential sentence of 45 years to life in prison. NOW WITH TRIAL INDEX.
THE PODCAST: How many have you heard?
[1] Marc Headley [2] Claire Headley [3] Jeffrey Augustine [4] Bruce Hines [5] Sunny Pereira [6] Pete Griffiths [7] Geoff Levin [8] Patty Moher [9] Marc Headley [10] Jefferson Hawkins [11] Michelle ‘Emma’ Ryan [12] Paulette Cooper [13] Jesse Prince [14] Mark Bunker [15] Jon Atack [16] Mirriam Francis [17] Bruce Hines on MSH
— SPECIAL: The best TV show on Scientology you never got to see
[1] Phil Jones [2] Derek Bloch [3] Carol Nyburg [4] Katrina Reyes [5] Jamie DeWolf
— The first Danny Masterson trial and beyond
[18] Trial special with Chris Shelton [19] Trial week one [20] Marc Headley on the spy in the hallway [21] Trial week two [22] Trial week three [23] Trial week four [24] Leah Remini on LAPD Corruption [25] Mike Rinder 2022 Thanksgiving Special [26] Jane Doe 4 (Tricia Vessey), Part One [27] Jane Doe 4 (Tricia Vessey), Part Two [28] Claire Headley on the trial [29] Tory Christman [30] Bruce Hines on spying [31] Karen de la Carriere [32] Ron Miscavige on Shelly Miscavige [33] Karen de la Carriere on the L’s [34] Mark Bunker on Miscavige hiding [35] Mark Plummer [36] Mark Ebner [37] Karen Pressley [38] Steve Cannane [39] Fredrick Brennan [40] Clarissa Adams [41] Louise Shekter [42] John Sweeney [43] Tory Christman [44] Kate Bornstein [45] Christian Stolte [46] Mark Bunker [47] Jon Atack [48] Luke Y. Thompson [49] Mark Ebner [50] Bruce Hines [51] Spanky Taylor and Karen Pressley [51] Geoff and Robbie Levin [52] Sands Hall [53] Jonny Jacobsen [54] Sandy Holeman [55] Mark Bunker [56] Trish and Liz Conley [57] Trish Conley [58] Alex Barnes-Ross [59] Alex Barnes-Ross [60] Alex Barnes-Ross [61] Alex Barnes-Ross [62] Alex Barnes-Ross [63] Alex Barnes-Ross [64] Tory Christman [65] Tammy Synovec [66] Dennis Erlich [67] Alex Barnes-Ross [68] Valerie Ross [69] Kat in Austin [70] Mark Bunker [71] Phil Jones
“You can pick up a rock and handle it quite safely. It won’t disappear on you for the excellent reason that it has so many fundamentals, so many basics, so many premises from which it sprang. There are so many alter-isnesses which have proceeded along the line, that it’s not really likely to as-is in your hands. But if you start plowing around about the original rock or the source of all rocks, or you start questioning the source of all rocks, if you did it expertly enough I’m afraid you would feel the rock tremble, because if you did it completely successfully, it’s liable to be gone.” — L. Ron Hubbard, March 7, 1957
“The ship looks good and Captain Robertson is to be congratulated on it and the officers and crew are thanked for their care and attention. I am glad to be back aboard. The only trouble is that ashore the dogs bark all night and now, without this I probably won’t be able to sleep. However, Janet Guilford says we can organize an All Hands Barking Stations.” — The Commodore, March 7, 1970
“Our DNA does not end here. It is in instant communication with all our cells at the same time, and with any other point in space and time. We have been messed with a long time ago, so that this program, this DNA, was dysfunctional. But it is becoming activated now. I have personally experienced this and tell you guys — clearly well-educated Scientologists — that this is hot stuff. Get ready for some exciting material, delivered in an unusual way compared to LRH’s but believe me it is awesome. What is coolest about it all is that he tells you that this can affect you as God (and as we know through engrams) also can, and that this is a two-way thing. So far, the energy levels of this planet inhibited this, but they are now high enough (higher tone level, higher theta) so that we can now successfully command our DNA. We can be masters, and this is what beings like Jesus were — Masters of their own DNA. We have only 30 percent of our DNA operational and someone with the state of Christ would be 100 percent. Many people on Earth are already above the 30 percent and this process has now momentum and is awakening in every body whether or not they are spiritually minded. This new revival will not make the world spiritual yet. It will bring a conscience of compassion which will in turn bring PEACE on Earth. This is not the end. This will be the beginning, the basis from which real change can begin to occur towards spirituality as until that happens all wisdom and technology can be weaponised.”
2000: The St. Petersburg Times published an editorial on the criminal case against Scientology in the death of Lisa McPherson. “The tragedy of Lisa McPherson’s death in a Scientology hotel room has turned into a sad, convoluted mess that cries out for justice. An unexplained reversal by Pinellas-Pasco Medical Examiner Joan Wood has prosecutors reviewing their case and raises questions about Wood’s competence. Meanwhile, sworn statements by Scientologists paint a disturbing picture of McPherson’s final days and raise this question: Why was no individual charged with a crime? Wood certainly surprised the state attorney’s office. The new autopsy report is ‘something of major significance we need to review,’ said Assistant State Attorney Doug Crow. Amid the doubt, this much is clear: Wood owes the residents of Pinellas County an explanation; and State Attorney Bernie McCabe still needs to prosecute those his office determines to be responsible in McPherson’s suffering and death. No doubt remains that McPherson was ill served by her Scientology ‘caretakers.’ Alain Kartuzinski, a senior church staff member, ordered McPherson’s isolation and authorized medication without a doctor’s approval. Then he lied to police about his involvement. Janis Johnson, a church medical officer and unlicensed doctor, was seen giving McPherson injections of a prescription muscle relaxant that had not been authorized by a doctor. She also lied to police. David Houghton, a dentist, helped administer medication, including forcing crushed aspirin and Benadryl down her throat with a large syringe. David Minkoff, a church member and doctor in Pasco County, prescribed drugs for McPherson over the phone without examining the patient. By the time he saw her, she was dead. Changing a few words on the autopsy report does not change the tragic events that unfolded in a darkened Scientology hotel room. Whatever caused the blood clot that killed McPherson, timely medical care would have given her a chance to survive. No matter how many experts the Church of Scientology hires or how much pressure they put on public officials, a jury should decide if someone committed a crime in the death of Lisa McPherson.”
“Hubbard deciding the right tone level for being mauled by a bear is fabulous.”
Full Court Press: What we’re watching at the Underground Bunker
Criminal prosecutions:
— Danny Masterson charged for raping three women: Found guilty on two counts on May 31, remanded to custody. Sentenced to 30 years to life on Sep 7, 2023. DA’s response to appeal brief due April 15.
— ‘Lafayette Ronald Hubbard’ (a/k/a Justin Craig), aggravated assault, plus drug charges: Grand jury indictments include charges from an assault while in custody. Next pretrial hearing March 31.
— David Gentile, GPB Capital, convicted of fraud, awaiting sentencing.
Civil litigation:
— Leah Remini v. Scientology, alleging ‘Fair Game’ harassment and defamation: Some defamation claims were removed by Judge Hammock. Judge Hammock’s ruling is on appeal.
— Baxter, Baxter, and Paris v. Scientology, alleging labor trafficking: Forced to arbitration.
— Valerie Haney v. Scientology: Forced to ‘religious arbitration.’
— Chrissie Bixler et al. v. Scientology and Danny Masterson. Judge Upindra Kalra’s ruling denying Scientology’s motion to strike is on appeal.
— Jane Doe 1 v. Scientology, David Miscavige, and Gavin Potter: Case unsealed and second amended complaint filed. Scientology moves for religious arbitration, gets ruling to depose Jane Doe 1.
After the success of their double-Emmy-winning, three-season A&E series ‘Scientology and the Aftermath,’ Leah Remini and Mike Rinder continue the conversation on their podcast, ‘Scientology: Fair Game.’ We’ve created a landing page where you can hear all of the episodes so far.
An episode-by-episode guide to Leah Remini’s three-season, double-Emmy winning series that changed everything for Scientology watching. Originally aired from 2016 to 2019 on the A&E network, and now on Netflix.
Find your favorite Hubbardite celeb at this index page — or suggest someone to add to the list!
Other links: SCIENTOLOGY BLACK OPS: Tom Cruise and dirty tricks. Scientology’s Ideal Orgs, from one end of the planet to the other. Scientology’s sneaky front groups, spreading the good news about L. Ron Hubbard while pretending to benefit society. Scientology Lit: Books reviewed or excerpted in a weekly series. How many have you read?
[ONE year ago] For an outfit that sells immortality, Scientology really sucks about death
[TWO years ago] Scientology: Trafficking suit has a Waffle House problem. ALSO: Newiga sings in Tokyo!
[THREE years ago] The new Impact magazine is here, and we get to see Scientology’s biggest donors celebrated!
[FOUR years ago] The Top 25 People Enabling Scientology, No. 5: The dirty tricks private eyes
[FIVE years ago] Valerie Haney asks judge to reconsider ruling, and has some excellent arguments
[SIX years ago] Scientology denied: Eleventh Circuit brushes aside church attempt to stop Garcia appeal
[SEVEN years ago] Is American culture now so hopeless that Scientology’s insanity is no longer notable?
[EIGHT years ago] Paul Haggis spoils movie night for Scientology, shows what a real humanitarian does
[NINE years ago] There’s a backstory to the recent news of a Scientology TV ad being banned in the UK
[TEN years ago] Jon Atack visits an org — ALSO: The richest Scientologist gets even richer!
[ELEVEN years ago] BRAD HALSEY, 1957-2014
Bernie Headley (1952-2019) did not see his daughter Stephanie in his final 5,667 days.
Joe Reaiche (1958-2024) did not see his daughter Alanna Masterson in his final 6,999 days.
Mike Rinder (1955-2025) did not see his son Benjamin and daughter Taryn in his final 7,589 days.
Tammy Synovec has not seen her daughter Julia in 3,196 days.
Valerie Haney has not seen her mother Lynne in 3,691 days.
Katrina Reyes has not seen her mother Yelena in 4,206 days
Sylvia Wagner DeWall has not seen her brother Randy in 3,756 days.
Brian Sheen has not seen his grandson Leo in 2,746 days.
Klaus Büchele has not seen his daughter Jasmin in 5,132 days.
Geoff Levin has not seen his son Collin and daughter Savannah in 2,627 days.
Christie Collbran has not seen her mother Liz King in 5,931 days.
Clarissa Adams has not seen her parents Walter and Irmin Huber in 3,802 days.
Jamie Sorrentini Lugli has not seen her father Irving in 5,354 days.
Quailynn McDaniel has not seen her brother Sean in 4,695 days.
Dylan Gill has not seen his father Russell in 13,262 days.
Melissa Paris has not seen her father Jean-Francois in 9,181 days.
Valeska Paris has not seen her brother Raphael in 5,349 days.
Mirriam Francis has not seen her brother Ben in 4,931 days.
Claudio and Renata Lugli have not seen their son Flavio in 5,190 days.
Sara Goldberg has not seen her daughter Ashley in 4,227 days.
Lori Hodgson has not seen her son Jeremy and daughter Jessica in 3,943 days.
Marie Bilheimer has not seen her mother June in 3,507 days.
Julian Wain has not seen his brother Joseph or mother Susan in 1,822 days.
Charley Updegrove has not seen his son Toby in 2,997 days.
Derek Bloch has not seen his father Darren in 4,679 days.
Cindy Plahuta has not seen her daughter Kara in 5,016 days.
Roger Weller has not seen his daughter Alyssa in 9,870 days.
Claire Headley has not seen her mother Gen in 4,985 days.
Ramana Dienes-Browning has not seen her mother Jancis in 3,347 days.
Brian Sheen has not seen his daughter Spring in 3,756 days.
Skip Young has not seen his daughters Megan and Alexis in 4,154 days.
Mary Kahn has not seen her son Sammy in 4,030 days.
Lois Reisdorf has not seen her son Craig in 3,595 days.
Phil and Willie Jones have not seen their son Mike and daughter Emily in 4,106 days.
Mary Jane Barry has not seen her daughter Samantha in 4,362 days.
Kate Bornstein has not seen her daughter Jessica in 15,470 days.
Posted by Tony Ortega on March 7, 2025 at 07:00
E-mail tips to tonyo94 AT gmail DOT com or follow us on Twitter. We also post updates at our Facebook author page. After every new story we send out an alert to our e-mail list and our FB page.
Our new book with Paulette Cooper, Battlefield Scientology: Exposing L. Ron Hubbard’s dangerous ‘religion’ is now on sale at Amazon in paperback and Kindle formats. Our book about Paulette, The Unbreakable Miss Lovely: How the Church of Scientology tried to destroy Paulette Cooper, is on sale at Amazon in paperback, Kindle, and audiobook versions. We’ve posted photographs of Paulette and scenes from her life at a separate location. Reader Sookie put together a complete index. More information can also be found at the book’s dedicated page.
The Best of the Underground Bunker, 1995-2023 Just starting out here? We’ve picked out the most important stories we’ve covered here at the Underground Bunker (2012-2023), The Village Voice (2008-2012), New Times Los Angeles (1999-2002) and the Phoenix New Times (1995-1999)
Other links: BLOGGING DIANETICS: Reading Scientology’s founding text cover to cover | UP THE BRIDGE: Claire Headley and Bruce Hines train us as Scientologists | GETTING OUR ETHICS IN: Jefferson Hawkins explains Scientology’s system of justice | SCIENTOLOGY MYTHBUSTING: Historian Jon Atack discusses key Scientology concepts | Shelly Miscavige, 15 years gone | The Lisa McPherson story told in real time | The Cathriona White stories | The Leah Remini ‘Knowledge Reports’ | Hear audio of a Scientology excommunication | Scientology’s little day care of horrors | Whatever happened to Steve Fishman? | Felony charges for Scientology’s drug rehab scam | Why Scientology digs bomb-proof vaults in the desert | PZ Myers reads L. Ron Hubbard’s “A History of Man” | Scientology’s Master Spies | The mystery of the richest Scientologist and his wayward sons | Scientology’s shocking mistreatment of the mentally ill | The Underground Bunker’s Official Theme Song | The Underground Bunker FAQ
Watch our short videos that explain Scientology’s controversies in three minutes or less…
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Our non-Scientology stories: Robert Burnham Jr., the man who inscribed the universe | Notorious alt-right inspiration Kevin MacDonald and his theories about Jewish DNA | The selling of the “Phoenix Lights” | Astronomer Harlow Shapley‘s FBI file | Sex, spies, and local TV news | Battling Babe-Hounds: Ross Jeffries v. R. Don Steele
Tony Ortega at The Daily Beast