The Conscience Coalition is continuing to organize against SB 276, a bill that would require California health officials to monitor doctors and schools that have more than usual rates of medical exemptions from required childhood vaccines. Members are being asked to contact or visit their legislators to oppose the bill.
The Coalition is led by Scientologists Greg Mitchell, Renee Bessone and non-Scientologist Jonathan Lockwood. Its other members appear to all be Scientologists. They have announced two priorities — opposing childhood vaccination and promoting religious freedom.
This week the group created a website and issued a “Study Assignment” demanding that legislators read a series of documents that are completely unrelated to the bill. They include the National Childhood Vaccine Injury Act of 1986, the 2011 Supreme Court decision in Bruesewitz v. Wyeth which is a case upholding the act, the Hippocratic Oath, and the Nuremberg Code, which are ethical guidelines written to oppose medical experimentation by the Nazis during World War II. None of which has anything to do with California looking more closely at medical exemptions to see if they are based on science or on parental fears.

The law in California is clear. Certain vaccinations are required to attend school. Some doctors may be issuing exemptions upon demand causing vaccination rates in some schools to drop. One would never know the nature of SB 276 from reading the Coalition’s materials. The new web site and press release ask four questions of legislators. The grammar is poor, but the intent is clear — to allow doctors to issue medical exemptions to any child without oversight by health officials. They want to allow doctors to lie about the medical status of their patients in order to gain exemption.
Will you act in accordance with the law of the land, the acknowledgments contained in the Supreme Court ruling and the Sotomayor/RBG dissent, the Hippocratic Oath and informed consent? Or will you blatantly disregard them by voting with your leadership and the corrupting influence of the special interests they are serving?
Will you protect the doctor-patient relationship and the ability of doctors to grant exemptions to children they know should not get certain vaccines? Or force doctors to violate the Hippocratic Oath?
Will you protect informed consent? Or force parents to inject their children even after reading and understanding the federally mandated warnings of the unavoidable risks of vaccine injuries and deaths?
Will you vote to kill SB 276? Or to injure and kill even more children? There is no public health emergency here. Lawmakers should put good policy and governance above politics, leave SB 276 in suspense and take the time to properly study and fully understand all the above.
Jonathan Lockwood is the non-Scientologist training the Scientologist members how to do political activism. It’s a small group and they hope to increase their impact using Twitter to target lawmakers. So far their impact on the discussion is negligible. Lockwood’s tweet announcing the new web site has only 70 “likes” and 20 re-tweets as of Saturday.
Lockwood urged members of the Coalition via video to concentrate their message. He makes it sound as if a lot is being done, but so far they have only one press release about the Study Assignment. Demanding that legislators read hundreds of pages of material is unlikely to turn this small group into a movement with an impact on public policy.
— Rod Keller
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Posted by Tony Ortega on August 4, 2019 at 07:00
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