Ah, it’s Sunday, time to go through our mailbag and see what items our great tipsters have sent us during the week. We love to post the wacky mailers and fliers that Scientology sends out to its members, and we have a nice collection this time. But we wanted to start with this photo sent to us by Amber, the young woman who posed for this shot in front of the “Ideal Org” in Florence, Kentucky. Nice T-shirt!
This next one is yet another mailer from the San Fernando Valley folks who are working so feverishly to raise money for their “Ideal Org.”
One of our tipsters tells us he recently received nineteen e-mailed appeals for the Valley Org in a single day.
But hey, everyone needs to pitch in for this big effort — even young Britni!

But don’t count out the go-getters in nearby Pasadena, who are raring to hear about expansion with the use of “grass-roots LRH tech”!
Meanwhile, in Florida, every Tuesday night at the Sandcastle Restaurant you can learn how to operate as an OT while going OT. Now that sounds delicious…
In California’s Silicon Valley, some determined Homo Novi are getting their Ideal Org game plan together by blocking an airplane from taking off…
And who doesn’t want to learn all about how they should be living an ideal life? And after all, once you’ve lived for trillions of years and countless lifetimes, you really ought to have this living thing down pat by now…
Hey, Hollywood hopefuls! Here’s your chance to get a foot in the door!
Thanks again to our great tipsters. Keep those mailers and fliers coming!
Countdown to Thursday: PZ Myers on A History of Man!
Karen de la Carriere Gets Spooky
Another fine video from Karen, J. Swift, and Angry Gay Pope that helps explain the reach of the Office of Special Affairs…
Posted by Tony Ortega on August 4, 2013 at 07:00
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