Often, over the past few years, we’ve pointed out time and again that a Queens dentist, Bernard Fialkoff, and his daughter, the glamorous Meghan Fialkoff, have infiltrated New York City’s schools and police precincts with their Scientology-sponsored anti-drug campaign which is intended to increase the public’s exposure to Scientology founder L. Ron Hubbard. We find their story particularly interesting, because it shows that even in supposedly sophisticated New York, Scientology front groups can rope people in with their dubious Scientology message wrapped in “social betterment” language.
This week, Rod Keller takes a closer look for us at what, exactly, the Fialkoffs are peddling. In this case, Dr. Fialkoff is going after New York-area dentists with his message, which Rod shows us is an amalgam of Scientology ideas dressed up as drug education. Take it away, Rod…
Attendees of the Greater New York Dental Meeting at the Javitz Center in New York City will have the opportunity to hear Scientologist Dr. Bernard Fialkoff’s presentation “Controlling the Drug Epidemic Worldwide / Implants Conservative Sinus Grafting – New, Innovative Techniques for Case Acceptance.” The first part of the talk will introduce dentists to the Foundation for a Drug Free World, which is part of the Church of Scientology. A staff member at the dental meeting confirmed that they were aware of the Scientology connection, and that Fialkoff has presented the material at previous meetings.

In recent weeks Fialkoff and the New York chapter of Drug Free World have renamed themselves as “Foundation for a Drug Free-World The Americas Chapter,” as they have expanded operations into several other countries. They continue to distribute their materials in cooperation with the New York Police Department…
…and the municipal police in Santo Domingo, Dominican Republic…
Fialkoff addresses students at the Gimnasio Nacional José Adolfo Pineda in San Salvador, El Salvador….
..And provides training for teachers at Ecole Mixte des Freres du bon Berger Delmas school in Port au Prince, Haiti….
Scientology’s anti-drug materials mix accurate drug education information with the inaccurate theories of founder L. Ron Hubbard. Similar information from the Scientology group Narconon was evaluated in a 2005 study prepared for the California Department of Education by the California Healthy Kids Resource Center. They found the materials unsuitable for use in California schools.
[Scientology] instructional materials do not clearly identify authors, their institutional affiliations or qualifications, or whether the materials underwent content or pedagogical review; although one material references L. Ron Hubbard as the source of its information. Some of the general content presented in the NDAP is accurate, such as the information on media and alcohol, tobacco and nicotine, achieving goals, and possible effects of drug abuse on mental processing (e.g., memory). Some drug-related information presented does not reflect accurate, widely accepted medical and scientific evidence. Some information is misleading because it is overstated or a distinction between drug use and abuse is lacking.
Examples of inaccurate information presented to students in NDAP presentations and supplementary resources include:
– drugs burn up vitamins and nutrients
– drug-activated vitamin deficiency results in pain which prompts relapse
– marijuana-induced, rapid vitamin and nutrient loss causes the “munchies”
– small amounts of drugs stored in fat are released at a later time causing the person to re-experience the drug effect and desire to use againThis information reflects hypothesized processes of drug metabolism, bioavailability, and psychoactive impact, and is the premise for the Narconon detoxification regimen. This theoretical information does not reflect current evidence that is widely accepted and recognized as medically and scientifically accurate.
Examples of misleading statements and inferences presented to students in NDAP presentations and supplementary resources include:
– drugs are poisons
– the amount of a drug determines if it acts as a stimulant or as a sedative
– anyone who takes drugs does so to avoid problems
– drugs ruin creativity and dull sensesThis information is overgeneralized or exaggerated.
Scientology’s booklet “Truth About Drugs” contains some of the same fallacies found in the Narconon materials. That all drugs are poisons, that dosage determines if it acts as a stimulant or sedative, and that drugs ruin creativity. These fallacies come directly from the book Dianetics by L. Ron Hubbard.
Drugs essentially are poisons. The degree to which they are taken determines the effect. A small amount gives a stimulant. A greater amount acts as a sedative. A larger amount acts as a poison and can kill one.
This is true of any drug. Each has a different amount. Caffeine is a drug. So coffee is an example. 100 cups of coffee would probably kill a person. Ten cups would probably put him to sleep. Two or three cups stimulate. This is a very common drug. It is not very harmful as it takes so much of it to have an effect so it is known as a stimulant.
Arsenic is known as a poison. Yet a tiny amount of arsenic is a stimulant, a good sized dose puts one to sleep and a few grains kills one.
The booklet warns against abuse of SSRIs, which are antidepressant drugs, and rarely if ever abused. They do not provide a high, and can take weeks to achieve their desired effect. Scientology is against the use of any psychopharmaceuticals, and have a separate front group opposing their use – the Citizens Commision on Human Rights (CCHR). Contrary to the Truth About Drugs, the Mayo Clinic’s web site says:
SSRIs aren’t considered addictive. However, stopping antidepressant treatment abruptly or missing several doses can cause withdrawal-like symptoms. This is sometimes called discontinuation syndrome.
Anyone taking an antidepressant should be watched closely for worsening depression or unusual behavior. If you or someone you know has suicidal thoughts when taking an antidepressant, immediately contact your doctor or get emergency help. Keep in mind that antidepressants are more likely to reduce suicide risk in the long run by improving mood.
A Spanish language booklet from the Foundation for a Drug-Free World chapter in Valencia, Spain contains many of the same fallacies about drug use.
Drugs = Poison
Poison: A substance that causes severe damage in living beings and can kill.
1 cup stimulant
10 cups depressant
100 cups will kill you
The booklet introduces the Scientology concept of the Emotional Tone Scale, in which human emotions are numbered and ranked in order of desirability, and suggests that drug use can push a person down the Tone Scale.
It is introduced through the blood but not all of it is removed. part of it stays forever in adipose (fatty) tissue of the body.
And a long time after, during physical exercise: Surprise. the drug returns to the blood and begins to act again.
When drugs enter the body vitamins B and C and calcium and magnesium (important minerals) are burned and lost.
How many of these medical fallacies will be presented by Dr. Fialkoff to the Greater New York Dental Meeting? Meeting attendees will have to pay $30 to find out.
— Rod Keller
PS: Here’s the entire booklet offered in Spain…
Posted by Tony Ortega on September 11, 2016 at 07:00
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Learn about Scientology with our numerous series with experts…
BLOGGING DIANETICS: We read Scientology’s founding text cover to cover with the help of L.A. attorney and former church member Vance Woodward
UP THE BRIDGE: Claire Headley and Bruce Hines train us as Scientologists
GETTING OUR ETHICS IN: Jefferson Hawkins explains Scientology’s system of justice
SCIENTOLOGY MYTHBUSTING: Historian Jon Atack discusses key Scientology concepts
Other links: Shelly Miscavige, ten years gone | The Lisa McPherson story told in real time | The Cathriona White stories | The Leah Remini ‘Knowledge Reports’ | Hear audio of a Scientology excommunication | Scientology’s little day care of horrors | Whatever happened to Steve Fishman? | Felony charges for Scientology’s drug rehab scam | Why Scientology digs bomb-proof vaults in the desert | PZ Myers reads L. Ron Hubbard’s “A History of Man” | Scientology’s Master Spies | Scientology’s Private Dancer | The mystery of the richest Scientologist and his wayward sons | Scientology’s shocking mistreatment of the mentally ill | Scientology boasts about assistance from Google | The Underground Bunker’s Official Theme Song | The Underground Bunker FAQ
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