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Scientology turns you into a fundraising dynamo — you know you want this energy!

 Holy Xenu’s E-meter, campers, we love the long, skinny fliers that Scientology for some reason thinks are the bomb when it comes to prying money out of the hands of their []


Another Chicago Scientology hype video! But is the Saturday ‘Ideal Org’ event happening?

 Over the weekend, Mike Rinder at his blog suggested that recent materials put out by the Church of Scientology seemed to indicate that the Chicago ‘Ideal Org’ — which has long been finished — might be getting its grand opening this []

After ‘Real Water’ fiasco, Scientology donor and former Nevada legislator files for bankruptcy

 We’ve kept an eye on Scientologist attorney, legislator, and Real Water honcho Brent Jones for a long, long []

VIDEO: Scientology begs for staff in Chicago as it prepares to go ‘ideal’ — as soon as Saturday?

 This weekend, Mike Rinder suggested at his blog that recent chatter coming out of Chicago may indicate that Scientology’s “Ideal Org” there may be having its grand opening as soon as this []

That time Scientology founder L. Ron Hubbard bitched to followers about his income

[Founder L. Ron Hubbard: Can’t anyone think of my needs?]

 We were delighted to hear recently from Mirriam Francis, who wondered if we had looked closely at a particular 1959 “policy letter” issued by Scientology founder L. Ron []

VIDEO: This is what you really want out of Scientology, right? Super Power!

[For ten grand or so, you too can put the dilithium crystals into the warp core]

 We’ve saved the best for last: Another of Scientology’s newer promo videos that encourage members to pay for expensive upper-level “technology,” and this one is selling Super []

PODCAST: Mark ‘Warrior’ Plummer remembers Scientology’s deceptions

 We were very happy we got the chance to catch up with Mark Plummer this week. (Find the podcast episode []

VIDEO: Finally, mathematical proof that Scientology’s body thetans can’t exist!

 We have a grab-bag of fun stuff for you this morning. First up, Jeffrey Augustine let us know that he’s adding a YouTube channel to his Scientology Money Project []

Valerie Haney: Scientology changed the rules after I nominated Elisabeth Moss, Tom Cruise

[How did Valerie nominating Tom violate Scientology’s rules?]

[See our report from the court hearing here. Judge Killefer has decided to give Valerie one more chance to submit a ‘reasonable’ nomination.]

Today, Valerie Haney and the Church of Scientology will once again be sparring in a Los Angeles courtroom over something the court is supposed to have []

She was branded a Scientologist villain by some online. But is she a villain at all?

[Grace Hunter and Anthony Tardugno]

Last summer, there was a small news item in Clearwater, Florida about a 75-year-old woman named Grace Hunter who had been arrested after a hit-and-run crash with her car that had left a 51-year-old cyclist []