Rod Keller finds that Scientology’s Narconon scam can get, yes, even sketchier…
Scientology opened Narconon Europe in 2015 in Helsinge, Denmark on the banks of Lake Arresø to serve as a “continental” Narconon that would deliver the drug rehab program but also to train Narconon staff members in Europe. It’s hard to find any mention of Scientology on their website, even the page praising L. Ron Hubbard. If you search for it, you can find this statement:
The Narconon program is based on the discoveries and writings of L. Ron Hubbard, the Founder of the Scientology religion. However, Narconon is non-religious and a person does not become a Scientologist by doing the program. Mr. Hubbard began his research into drug abuse in the 1960s. The resulting discoveries provided the means by which individuals could become free of addiction.
Scientology makes it ambiguous how involved they are with Narconon in order to placate local officials and to attract customers who would be put off by the connection. It’s a false wall of separation between the church and the drug rehabs. They claim the same saunas, vitamins and training routines are religious in nature when done in a Scientology org, but non-religious when done at Narconon.

In Scientology and Narconon salespeople are called “registrars” or “regges.” The regges at Narconon Europe are (left to right) Jörg Carl, Elvis Seko and Carlo Balasini. In a bizarre 30 minute live chat they offer a deal for you that makes it plain that there is no wall of separation between Scientology and Narconon. If you bring a person to the Narconon facility in Helsinge, they will pay for you to take the Survival Rundown at the Scientology org of your choice. “Terra Incognita,” writing at Mike Rinder’s blog describes the SRD process:
The SRD – the Survival Rundown – is a collection of hundreds of objective processes compiled by David Miscavige and his team of minions from HCOBs, lectures, and miscellaneous papers written by LRH. Objective processing has to do with communicating with the physical universe, things which can be observed by our senses – like walls, ashtrays, and human bodies. This is opposed to subjective processing which has to do with what’s inside a person’s mind.
Objectives have to do with putting a person more into present time and into communication with, and in control of, the physical universe. Unlike other rundowns of which I’m familiar, the hundreds of SRD routines all have identical or similar end phenomenon.
Paying for the SRD is better for Scientology than paying a standard commission since the money is never paid out, it goes directly to an org. Prices vary by location, but the cost of the SRD is about US $3,000. Scientology pays a 10 percent commission to recruiters, and Narconon costs $30,000 so the math makes sense.
What makes no sense is that Scientologists are being urged to act as amateur interventionists to get their friends and neighbors into Narconon so they can pay for their SRD. Without any training they are expected to diagnose a medical condition and recommend a course of treatment. In this case the treatment is unsupported by any medical evidence and the recruiter has a conflict of interest in that they benefit by delivering a person to the program.
The regges describe this as a “game.” The concept of a game comes from Scientology. L. Ron Hubbard wrote “What is a game? A game is an activity engaged upon by one or more individuals in order to maintain his interest in communication in life.” The idea is that a person as an omnipotent thetan or spirit has inhabited a body as a game to avoid being bored. The term is used frequently in fundraising for Scientology.
Balasini describes the Narconon program, starting with a non-medical withdrawal in which the patient is under constant supervision and is allowed to sleep and receives vitamins every six hours. Then they move on to the next stage of the program, which he says is “like the Purif” which is the Purification Rundown that every Scientologist needs to complete to move up the Scientology bridge.
Seko describes the benefits of the program including the false claim that radiation from the sun can be stored in the body and can be sweated out during the Purif. He describes himself as “like a doctor” because he has reality on drugs and reality on the person. Reality in Scientology is part of the Affinity-Reality-Communication or ARC triangle.
Balasini describes the “life skills” portion of the Narconon program. It consists of the PTS/SP course to help the patient choose the right people as friends, Overts/Withholds and Conditions in Life. All of these are key concepts and courses in Scientology.
We also have video of the most recent graduation ceremony at Narconon Europe. Balasini introduces Nicholas and Ramon, two patients who have completed the Narconon program. Staff member Thomas Pettersson presents them with their graduation certificates. We wish them both the best in their recovery.
— Rod Keller
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Posted by Tony Ortega on October 28, 2018 at 07:00
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