It’s time again for Rod Keller’s Scientology Social Media Review. He’s made a specialty of hunting down the odd and wonderful things Scientologists post to the ‘net. He’s a chronicler who piece by piece builds a highly detailed assessment of what Scientology is doing around the world, and this is what he found for us this week…
Scientologists and members of the Nation of Islam marched from Woodruff Park in Atlanta to protest the annual meeting of the American Psychiatric Association at the Georgia World Congress Center. They are protesting Psychiatry in general, as well as the proposed reclassification of electroconvulsive therapy equipment from class III to the less regulated class II devices. One of our local correspondents was on the scene and tells us that only about 150 people showed up, and nearly all of them were Scientologists, even though non-Scientology groups had also endorsed the march.

Long-time Sea Org member Dusty Rhodes (right) visited the Kiev, Ukraine mission this week. Rhodes was a well-liked crew member on the Apollo (from which L. Ron Hubbard ran Scientology while sailing the Mediterranean, Atlantic, and Caribbean, 1967-1975), and was posted at Flag and Gold base during his career. About 20 Scientologists signed Sea Org contracts during the event, although few, if any, will ever arrive to a Sea Org base to activate and join the EPF. It’s common for Scientologists at emotionally charged events to sign such contracts without ever joining the Sea Org. Other Ukrainians signed a Pledge Board, promising to come to Flag for services at some point. Members are told that it’s important to get their postulate in writing in the physical universe, and the details can be worked out later. Once a pledge is made members can be pressured to pre-pay for services in Clearwater, even if they have no way to get there
The Deputy Mayor of Cork in Ireland, Ken O’Flynn, was given a tour of the Citizen’s Commission on Human Rights facility in Clearwater, Florida this week by Scientologist Mary McCrink and given literature on Scientology’s efforts to demonize Psychiatry.
Select Group International is a Spanish-language WISE company headed by Scientologist Henry Ospitia that also runs a service that translates as “Restore and Maintain Your Health.” On social media they claim to be able to treat a wide variety of diseases at facilities in Los Angeles, Spain, and Mexico using Scientology-trained medics.
You know the new solutions to diabetes, cancer, Alzheimer’s, Parkinson’s, autism, high blood pressure, cholesterol, pain, radiation, etc. We have doctors who are familiar with the technology of LRH and don’t use drugs. If you want to do something about it, to know more and new data that have come to light recently on how to restore and maintain health, you can write to this e-mail: Comorecuperarsusalud24@Yahoo
Organización Desarrollo y Dianética A.C. is a Scientology org in Mexico City, also known as ODD. This is a list of the top donors to the planned renovations to improve their old building to become an Ideal Org. Most of the money is coming from publics at the Mexico City Ideal Org.
The South African branch of the front group Foundation for a Drug-Free World has received recognition from Commissioner Danny Titus of the South African Human Rights Commission.
Istituto Professionale di Stato per i Servizi Alberghieri e della Ristorazione “G. Pastore” is a state-run hospitality and restaurant school in Northern Italy. This week they thanked Narconon Piedmonte, a rehab facility near Asti, for presenting Scientology’s anti-drug message to the students.
Inmates at Tainan Prison in Taiwan pose for photos at “twinning day” in which they are paired with another inmate in preparation for Scientology’s Criminon program. Criminon leads prisoners through introductory Scientology levels called Training Routines, or TRs, which rely on each participant having a partner.
Scientologists from the South Coast Mission gave stress tests and sold copies of Dianetics at the International Festival at Soka University of America in Aliso Viejo, California this week.
The glamorous Meghan Fialkoff presented Scientology’s anti-drug lecture at P.S. 110 The Monitor in Brooklyn, New York this week.
May 9th was Victory Day in Russia, celebrating victory over Germany in World War II. In honor of this occassion, Narconon Standard near Moscow had a Victory Day cake prepared.
— Rod Keller
LATE-BREAKING ADDITION TO ROD’S REVIEW: Rod spotted something really interesting on Facebook this morning which suggests that there’s been a major turnover at Scientology’s Advanced Org in Copenhagen, Denmark. If you remember, a similar thing happened in Los Angeles last year as Scientology leader David Miscavige struggles to deal with the organization’s crashing “stats.”
It appears they have recalled the CO AOSH EU and other execs to Flag and replaced them with an entirely new team. Details are sketchy. Here’s what we got from a Google translation of the Facebook announcement…
“Well, yesterday’s graduates of the evening in Copenhagen announced the big news! Europe is waiting for massive expansion of Scientology. It begins a new phase of development of the European ideal and mission organizations. In Europe arrived AOSH fully trained on the new standards, the leaders, who will steer the whole thing. Will train teams of all organizations in the new standards, and, as said, all starting from the front and from the letters to the top leaders. All ready for this, and it seemed to in all languages. Yesterday, the organization of Copenhagen and the whole audience (people gathered – was packed the entire 1st floor, all the balconies and windows of these floors) said goodbye to the captain, who 20 years taxied by the organization. It was all moving, people came up after him a standing ovation, 5 minutes the entire room stood and applauded. He goes on Flag, as a veteran of the SO, will move on the Bridge and probably lead to a new level.vThe new team is young, although they are SO veterans with 10-20 years of experience. These are those who came to Scientology boys and girls, and who are willing to give everything for its expansion and prosperity!”
That does sound a lot like what happened in L.A., and is consistent with the desperation Miscavige is dealing with at his major facilities. Thanks for that update, Rod.
Posted by Tony Ortega on May 15, 2016 at 07:00
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Learn about Scientology with our numerous series with experts…
BLOGGING DIANETICS: We read Scientology’s founding text cover to cover with the help of L.A. attorney and former church member Vance Woodward
UP THE BRIDGE: Claire Headley and Bruce Hines train us as Scientologists
GETTING OUR ETHICS IN: Jefferson Hawkins explains Scientology’s system of justice
SCIENTOLOGY MYTHBUSTING: Historian Jon Atack discusses key Scientology concepts
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