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Why Scientology’s Erika Christensen can play a Christian convert on the big screen

[Christensen, baptized in The Case for Christ]

We’re starting to get questions from readers about Erika Christensen playing a Christian convert in the movie The Case for Christ, which opened in theaters Friday. []


‘God of Pop’ Kuba Ka on meeting Scientology’s David Miscavige: ‘Like an emperor or the Pope’

 Yesterday we told you that we were looking forward to having a conversation with Jakub Stepniak, a Polish-born aspiring culture superstar who calls himself Kuba Ka, the ‘God of Pop,’ and who got on our radar when the Church of Scientology spent several months grooming him to be one of its vaunted []

DREAM LAWSUIT: ‘God of Pop’ Kuba Ka vs the Church of Scientology. THANK XENU, IT’S ON!

 Later today, we will be Skyping with God. []

Paul Haggis spoils movie night for Scientology, shows what a real humanitarian does

[Paul Haggis and Nancy Cartwright]

Last week our man at the Hollywood Celebrity Centre let us know that Nancy Cartwright’s movie, In Search of Fellini, had screened, and he wanted us to understand that it was a movie with more Scientologists involved than maybe any other ever. From Nancy, who wrote it, to its director, to []

The most Scientology-involved movie ever made? Here comes Nancy’s baby!

 Our source in Scientology’s Hollywood Celebrity Centre, who has been so helpful to us in the past, alerted us to something special coming that he thought we’d want to pay attention []

Scientology’s Celebrity Whisperer: An inside account of life in the fame-obsessed church

[Quailynn McDaniel and Jenna Elfman]

Quailynn McDaniel was exactly what Scientology was looking for. The yoga instructor was fit and pretty, and her husband worked for a major software []

First look inside Tom Cruise’s Clearwater double penthouse — and Scientology is not happy!

[Clay Irwin checks out the view from the Cruise penthouse]

Yesterday, we got our first look inside Tom Cruise’s still-under-construction double penthouse atop a building in downtown Clearwater, Florida thanks to a local business owner who took an impromptu tour of the construction site and recorded it for the rest of the world to []

Shelley Duvall is ill, but is Scientology’s Vivian Kubrick the best person to step in?

[Vivian Kubrick and Shelley Duvall]

On Friday morning, we described our own encounter five years ago with Shelley Duvall and her sad mental state. In a phone call, she tried to convince us that Scientologists were trying to get into her Texas house to assassinate her. We suggested that she get some professional help, and we []

Leonard Cohen: This awful year strikes again with the loss of a transcendent genius

 You probably heard the news last night that Leonard Cohen died at 82. And today, you’ll be seeing some really great remembrances of him and the many different chapters of his life as an author, a songwriter, and a performer. (New Yorker editor David Remnick profiled Cohen in a brilliant piece just last []

SCIENTOLOGY’S TOP 20 CELEBRITIES — in order of those most likely to defect

 Now that Jason Lee has confirmed what we’ve suspected for a long time — that he’s out of Scientology — we’re naturally getting questions from readers wondering who among the church’s glittering celebrities will be next to jump []