Tony Ortega is a journalist who was formerly the editor of The Village Voice. He's written about Scientology since 1995, and in May 2015 released a book about Scientology's harassment of Paulette Cooper titled 'The Unbreakable Miss Lovely.' He continues to monitor breaking developments in the Scientology world from an undisclosed location in an underground bunker he shares with four cats and one of them wrinkly Shar Pei dogs. Despite his super-secret security protections, you can still reach him pretty easily by sending him a message at tonyo94 AT (Drop him a line if you'd like to get an e-mail whenever a new story is posted.) [Header image courtesy John Rickard]
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Why doesn’t Scientology want you to see its wealthy donors, including Grant Cardone?

[Grant Cardone and the case of the missing donor trophies]

TODAY AT SUBSTACK: If you’ve signed up for free emails at Substack, you will receive today’s feature story at your inbox: Scientology is squawking again, demanding we take down images from its magazines with news value, including some that reveal the identities of its wealthy donors. []


Grant Cardone selling superhuman med beds to the wealthy sounds very Scientological

 The person in the video you see below is Dana White. He’s president of the Ultimate Fighting Championship, a mixed martial arts organization obsessively followed by its fans, who tend to be younger men. Dana has been dealing with some controversy since he was caught on tape on New Year’s Eve slapping his wife in []

Grant Cardone at Flag: Again, Scientology turns to its professional ham hock to fill seats

 In 2019, we found out that Grant Cardone, professional ham hock, had pulled in a big crowd at Scientology’s Hollywood Celebrity []

Scientology propaganda masterpiece: Grant Cardone’s COO coughs up $1.1 million

 We have some terrific researchers who send us fascinating examples of Scientology social media and propaganda. It helps us keep a close watch on how the organization is doing, and here and at Mike Rinder’s great blog we have watched a steady dwindling of the ‘coolest religion on []

Is Scientology clown prince Grant Cardone slagging on super-richie Bob Duggan now?

[Happier days: Cardone, Elena, Duggan]

A reader brought to our attention that Grant Cardone, at his Instagram account, has posted a video of himself talking about how he turned down a $20 million investment from someone named “Bob” who had spent a lot of time with him about three years []

Scientology’s hammy Grant Cardone and the political operator: A significant connection?

[Wakley and Cardone, a match made in Arslycus]

If motivational speaker Grant “10X” Cardone is Scientology’s “professional ham hock,” as we like to call him, then London Org’s Charlie Wakley is surely the movement’s aspirational pork product. Its British banger, as it were.

Their online summit this week felt like some sort of minor cosmic shift in []

Expert: Scientology’s Grant Cardone ‘helping sell fake stem cell products to the public’

[Dr. Chris Centeno, Grant Cardone]

Last May, the New York Times published a lengthy story about the explosion of stem cell therapy as a business and questions about whether it actually worked as []

Professional ham hock Grant Cardone: I’m giving up the Super Bowl for Scientology

[Grant Cardone]

Some churches require that you give up pork. Others that you give up short pants.

But professional ham hock and OT Scientologist Grant Cardone has announced on a Facebook video that he’s making the ultimate sacrifice for his space-age religion: He’s not going to the Super Bowl today that is being played right in his []

Scientology finally solves its recruiting woes with professional ham hock Grant Cardone

[Cardone wows ’em at the Celebrity Centre]

Ever since we learned that Scientology leader David Miscavige had used him as an enforcer to terrorize legendary acting coach Milton Katselas in his final years, church donor and popular motivational speaker Grant Cardone has been on our radar, mostly for all the wrong []

Is there something screwy about Scientology buffoon Grant Cardone?

 Scientology’s wealthy ham hock Grant Cardone continues to intrigue us with his antics. Have you seen the []