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Scientology salutes ‘humanitarian’ couple for donating $33.8 million to building fund

 Just last week we showed you evidence from Scientology’s own publications that big donors are still turning over huge amounts to church leader David Miscavige’s legal slush fund, the International Association of []


Some winners have emerged from Scientology’s most recent pilgrim shearing!

 This morning, while we wait for the second week of testimony to begin in the Danny Masterson retrial in Los Angeles, we are happy to report that the first hints of what took place at the San Fernando Valley “Ideal Org” the previous weekend have begun to trickle []

Scientology issues pics of LRH Birthday event, when David Miscavige was dodging service

 On March 18 Scientology held its annual birthday party for founder L. Ron Hubbard, who was born on March 13, []

VIDEO: Scientology’s post-pandemic comeback starts right here, space cadets!

 There’s nothing like a Scientology hype video to get our blood pumping, and we knew you’d want to see this latest offering from the []

Scientology propaganda update: The Fabos Factor is back as the entire US goes Ideal!

 We want to thank the readers who send us some of Scientology’s latest propaganda. It never fails to fascinate us, the way this organization gets its members excited about handing over even more of their hard-earned cash for Scientology leader David Miscavige to turn into his vanity construction []

Eyewitness report: Scientology leader David Miscavige at the LRH Birthday Event

[Miscavige presiding over the New Year’s event at the Fort Harrison Hotel ballroom]

One of the biggest dates on the Scientology calendar is March 13, the anniversary of founder L. Ron Hubbard’s birth in 1911. For many years on or around March 13, Scientology’s current leader David Miscavige would preside over an LRH Birthday Event at []

Scientology propaganda is the best thing ever, and we are here for it

 We’ve had a big week of hard-hitting stories here at the Underground Bunker. But we’re always happy to pause for a cool, refreshing taste of Scientology []

Scientology is going space crazy! Hold on to your wallets, pilgrims, and let’s blast off!

 Scientology may be hurting these days, but the fundraising must go on! And that means another amazing report in the form of one of those long fliers we love to []

Scientology fundraising goes down the rabbit hole in the most oblivious flier ever!

 Last week we had a lot of fun with one of the craziest fundraising fliers we’ve seen come out of Scientology. Not only was it one of these super-long documents that went on and on, in this case about raising money for an “Ideal Org” in Toronto, but it also had a “Mission Earth” theme, []

Mark Bunker: Scientology going nuts over upcoming Tampa Bay Times report

[Bunker helpfully identifies Scientology mouthpiece Ben Shaw]

Late last night we heard from Mark Bunker, who wanted us to know about some comments he had made at last night’s Clearwater, Florida city council []