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Mike Rinder and Christie Collbran have some good news for us all

 Last night Mike Rinder and Christie Collbran posted a message of hope that we wanted to make sure you saw if you haven’t []


Read Scientology spokesman Ben Shaw’s latest freakout over the Tampa Bay Times

[Shaw helpfully included this photo of David Miscavige with his letters]

Tampa Bay Times reporter Tracey McManus had another terrific piece yesterday about Scientology’s stranglehold on the downtown of Clearwater, Florida, a city the church surreptitiously invaded in 1975 and has said it wants to turn into the first “Scientology []

Wait, Scientology has Mary-Ellen of ‘The Waltons’ on the hook for how much now?

[And does John-Boy know?]

Recently, we’ve been learning how much Scientology’s wealthy donors have been forking out as church leader David Miscavige makes a big fundraising push for his remaining “Ideal Org” projects in the []

Scientology background helped with anti-mandate work, Seattle council candidate says

On Sunday, we told you how we learned that an independent Scientologist (someone who practices L. Ron Hubbard’s ideas outside the Church of Scientology) is running for city council in []

Why doesn’t Scientology want you to see these OTs and their success stories?

[Illustration by Chad Essley]

Last month, we told you that Scientology attorney Gary Soter had convinced Substack to remove one of our stories that contained images from a Scientology publication featuring church leader David Miscavige and voice actress Nancy Cartwright, who was being celebrated for donating a new total of $21 million to the []

Indie Scientologist running for Seattle city council on lingering anti-mask outrage

We’re always interested when Scientologists run for public office, which isn’t very often. In 2020, we wrote about a former Sea Org member running for city council in the Oregon town of McMinnville (she lost). There was a married couple who each ran for office in Nevada (one of them, Brent Jones, did serve as []

PODCAST: ‘Chicago Fire’ star Christian Stolte on his Scientology experience

 We had heard from some of you about our video interviews not going out on the usual podcast feed, so we think we have figured it out this []

THE WITNESS: Damian Perkins opens up about how the case against Danny Masterson began

 On March 19, 2015 at 9:44 in the morning, actor and dancer Damian Perkins received a text message on his phone from someone he had known only peripherally at the Church of Scientology’s Hollywood Celebrity []

Pete Griffiths on the unbearable rightness of being Scientologists

 On a recent post of Scientology’s success stories from Advance! magazine, Pete Griffiths spotted a name he []

Scientology fundraising is reaching epic levels of awesomeness, you doubters

 Look, you doubters can tell us that Scientology is shrinking, it’s having a tougher time in the courts, it’s getting the worst press in years, and church leader David Miscavige is hiding under a bed somewhere. But the truth is, the fundraising going on for new ‘Ideal Orgs’ is just hitting its []