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PODCAST: Mark Bunker on Scientology’s sabotage of progress in Clearwater

 Thanks to the intrepid work of Tampa Bay Times reporter Tracey McManus, we learned this past week that Scientology continues its old tricks in Clearwater, the Florida city whose downtown was taken over by the church in a surreptitious takeover 45 years []


Mark Bunker reminds us that there are actually Scientology physicians out there

 We always enjoy hearing from Wise Beard Man, our old friend Mark Bunker, who is a city councilman in the Scientology-besieged city of Clearwater, []

Clearwater’s new city manager: ‘We must develop a partnership with the Church of Scientology’

 We told you earlier that Clearwater city councilman Mark Bunker was told that a recent secret meeting between the city’s mayor, city manager, and city attorney with Scientology leader David Miscavige was a 3.5-hour harangue by the diminutive church []

Scientology honcho lectures Clearwater leaders on how he’s been mistreated

 Like the rest of you, we’ve been fascinated by the skillful reporting by Tampa Bay Times writer Tracey McManus as she’s covered the ongoing strife between the Church of Scientology and the city of Clearwater, []

Danny Masterson’s odds? Juries really don’t like Scientology, Wise Beard Man reminds us

[On Cleveland Street yesterday]

So now it can be told. While we were preparing for our quick trip to LA to cover Danny Masterson’s criminal arraignment, we heard from a French television network that wondered if we might be able to help them with a segment on Scientology they were []

Clearwater city manager unhappy about landing on our ‘Top 25 Enabling Scientology’ list

[The Aftermath’s finest moment?]

Someone alert Glen Stilo, but Mark Bunker sent us an email this week. And boy, are we glad he []

Another records request from Scientology shows how Mark Bunker drives them nuts

[Mark Bunker is amused, Glen]

We know you find these Glen Stilo records requests with the city of Clearwater as entertaining as we do, so we thought we’d share the latest []

Ted the tour guide called ‘bigoted hate group’ by Scientologist city board member

[Ted Reinhard and Downtown Development Board chair Paris Morfopoulos]

Well that didn’t take long. On Tuesday we told you about Ted Reinhard, the Clearwater, Florida tour guide who has decided to start offering guided walking tours of the city’s creepy downtown, which is dominated by the Church of Scientology and it’s “spiritual mecca,” the Flag Land []

Scientology continues to harry Mark Bunker over his every utterance

 OK, this is kind of funny. Scientology is apparently panicked because Mark Bunker and your proprietor haven’t been talking on the phone []

Clearwater Councilman Mark Bunker’s radical suggestion: Embrace Scientology?

 After the most recent Downtown Development Board meeting, Clearwater City Councilman Mark Bunker had a brainstorm. He just sent us this video, and we agree with him that our readers could run with this []