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Clearwater’s new city manager: ‘We must develop a partnership with the Church of Scientology’

 We told you earlier that Clearwater city councilman Mark Bunker was told that a recent secret meeting between the city’s mayor, city manager, and city attorney with Scientology leader David Miscavige was a 3.5-hour harangue by the diminutive church []


Scientology honcho lectures Clearwater leaders on how he’s been mistreated

 Like the rest of you, we’ve been fascinated by the skillful reporting by Tampa Bay Times writer Tracey McManus as she’s covered the ongoing strife between the Church of Scientology and the city of Clearwater, []

Why is Scientology desperate for a tiny plot in Clearwater? Let us draw you a picture.

[Dave has a hole burning in his pocket.]

This week five secret proposals for Clearwater downtown development were made public by the city, and Tracey McManus gave a summary of them at the Tampa Bay []