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Scientology snags an elected official (and JAG!) for its Central Ohio ‘Ideal Org’ ceremony

[Miscavige and more accomplices]

With his second ‘Ideal Org’ grand opening in only a week, Scientology leader David Miscavige managed to round up more local shills to make speeches, and this time he actually snagged an elected official, something we haven’t seen in a []


Columbus going Ideal! David Miscavige to open 2nd Scientology cathedral in a week

[Scientology video emphasizes the soft target of OSU]

We expect that tomorrow’s Ideal Org grand opening in Columbus, Ohio is going to be a lot like the one that took place in Kansas City last Saturday. Some music. Some speeches from local shills. Some balloons. So the thing we’re most curious about at this point is, []

Kansas City gets its first Scientology wedding: We solicited some advice for the young couple

 Scientology’s newest ‘Ideal Org’ opened on Saturday in Kansas City, and the next day, Sunday November 3, it had its first wedding, with Hubbardite rites and all the []

AUDIO LEAK: You’re invited to a Scientology TV watch party at the Portland org!

[Mark Bunker at the Portland event, 2013]

We’ve kept a pretty close watch over many of Scientology’s ‘Ideal Org’ opening ceremonies, but there’s one that will always have a special place in our hearts. That’s when Mark Bunker had such a wild day trying to film the Portland Ideal Org grand opening in May 2013, and []

David Miscavige and a slate of local shills welcomed the new Kansas City ‘Ideal Org’

[Miscavige and his accomplices]

It’s always interesting to see which local figures are so desperate for attention that they accept an invitation to give a speech at the local Scientology ‘Ideal Org’ grand opening and then pose with church leader David []

VIDEO LEAK: Late-stage Scientology is even more depressing than we thought

[Birmingham gets its Ideal Org, 2017]

Wow, this is a fun one, kids. An Underground Bunker reader has leaked us video that they shot while attending an event at Scientology’s Birmingham, England “Ideal Org” earlier this []

Kansas City going Ideal! Scientology’s grand opening is tomorrow — will Dave be there?

 It’s been more than a year since David Miscavige last opened an “Ideal Org” in this country, but tomorrow he’s scheduled to cut the ribbon on the new Scientology cathedral in downtown Kansas []

Detroit going Ideal! Scientology throws its invite-only party in Motor City today

 The stage is set for Scientology’s Ideal Org grand opening in Detroit today at 1 pm. We hope to have live reports from a couple of correspondents on the []

In the US and Australia, new Ideal Orgs are increasingly isolated and uninviting. What gives?

 By the time this story posts on Saturday morning here in the US, it will already be Saturday evening in Perth, Australia, and Scientology’s newest “Ideal Org” would have had its grand opening, complete with a visit from church leader David []