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David Miscavige says 4 new Scientology ‘Ideal Orgs’ are coming soon — but where?

[The whales came out for New Year’s Eve]

 We’re still thinking about what Scientology leader David Miscavige reportedly promised on New Year’s Eve (which we know about thanks to some reporting by Mike Rinder): That he plans to open four new “Ideal Orgs” just in the first quarter of 2023 (which ends on March 31, if []


Yes, Narconon IS Scientology, and we have video that settles the matter

 We’re continuing to mine some material that a former Scientology large donor sent our way, including some videos from what we call “peak Scientology,” the era when leader David Miscavige obviously felt pretty []

Let’s help the new Scientology ‘Ideal Org’ in Austin get staffed up!

 We understand that a lot of our liberal friends are unhappy with the state of Texas right now, thanks to its insane new law that aims to turn the state’s residents into anti-abortion bounty hunters. But Scientology has a new “Ideal Org” that needs opening in the hippie-liberal blue island of Austin, and we’re here []

VIDEO: Scientology prepares Chicago takeover, will target college student dorms downtown

 Are you ready, Chicago? Scientology is itching to open its new Ideal Org downtown, which has been delayed because of the pandemic, and a new video sent out yesterday to members suggests that the grand opening is just around the []

LEAKED: Watch Scientology ‘OTs’ pressured to donate tens of thousands in wild video

 With the Austin ‘Ideal Org’ preparing to open, this leak is especially timely. []

Scientology’s Chicago Ideal Org says it’s next to open. Is Second City ready for its closeup?

 It was just a couple of days ago that we posted mailers from Scientology which claimed that the new Austin Ideal Org would be the first to open now that the pandemic is []

Ahoy, thetan: Ready to fondle empty bottles on Scientology’s cruiseless cruise ship?

 Judging by how our tipsters are being bombarded recently with mailers, Scientology is really trying to sell its members on flying out to Aruba to spend their time (and cash) on the Freewinds, the private cruise ship owned by the church which has been stuck in port since the pandemic started more than a year []

DRONE FLYOVER: Saturday’s Scientology ‘Ideal Org’ opening in Ventura, California

 An anonymous drone pilot captured the scene at Saturday’s Scientology ‘Ideal Org’ grand opening in Ventura, California, providing some stunning views of the []

California is going ‘Ideal,’ and Scientology is on fire about it

[Ventura’s new org, almost ready for its closeup]

On Saturday at 1pm, Scientology leader David Miscavige will preside over another “Ideal Org” grand opening, but this one is extra []

The skateboard hero & the anti-Semite: Insider report from Scientology’s bizarre celeb event

[The future of Scientology? Aaron Kyro and Tony Muhammad]

Monday afternoon, we received a copy of a flier advertising what sounded like a fairly bizarre event happening that night at Scientology’s Hollywood Celebrity []