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To help us get through the pandemic, L. Ron Hubbard’s words of Scientology wisdom

[L. Ron Hubbard, circa 1963]

STAY HOME. There, we said it. Take the coronavirus seriously, keep calm, but most importantly, minimize your contact with other people and stay home. []


Blacks not ready for the vote: L. Ron Hubbard’s damning 1960 harangue supporting apartheid

[Hubbard in South Africa, 1960]

We have a very disturbing audio recording for you today, a 1960 lecture by L. Ron Hubbard that the Church of Scientology would rather that people []

Scientology wants your children: The 1957 lecture they think will convince you

[“Tinny-Tin” on the left]

 Our thanks to the tipster who forwarded this email to us from Scientology’s publishing arm, Bridge Publications. The creep factor is off the charts here, and fits in with a general increased focus on children for Scientology []

For $100, Scientologist sorcerer will share secret of living to 150 (and we have the secret!)

[Rey Robles on CNN’s Believer]

You might remember that we were not very impressed with Reza Aslan’s short-lived Believer series that aired in 2017 on CNN, in particular its dishonest episode about Scientology. Admitting that he had “a soft spot” for Scientology, Aslan pretended that the teeny tiny “indie” movement of Scientologists was so potent, it []

Scientology founder L. Ron Hubbard has some ideas about your ‘eternity’

 The new Source magazine is here, and as usual it’s just one big advertisement that’s meant to convince Scientologists to drop everything, write a big series of checks, and go to the Flag Land Base in Clearwater, Florida for Scientology’s upper level []

Scientology’s founder L. Ron Hubbard on the ‘God trick,’ Christ implants, and Muslims

 Our regular readers know that besides looking into the breaking Scientology news of the day, and keeping track of court cases, and asking around about church leader David Miscavige and his missing wife, we also, from time to time, like to dive into the source material of this wacky thing that calls itself a []

Scientology’s greatest lecture of all: It’s finally time we look closer at Xenu in all his glory

[L. Ron Hubbard, surrounded by the crew of the Apollo]

Over the last few months, we’ve made an occasional series out of bringing you Scientology founder L. Ron Hubbard in his own words. On its new television network, Scientology itself has a program it calls “L. Ron Hubbard: In His Own Voice,” but that’s the safe []

Before Scientology was a ‘church,’ L. Ron Hubbard said religion controlled people with lies

[L. Ron Hubbard, circa 1952]

It’s one of those L. Ron Hubbard quotes that gets brought up a lot, especially by those who want to make the point that the “Church” of Scientology really isn’t one at []

Not-ready-for-Scientology TV: L. Ron Hubbard’s fortune telling tricks still being sold today

 Scientology has sent out another precious mailer to its members that includes an amazing L. Ron Hubbard quote, and we thank our tipster who sent it in. Once again, Scientologists are privately getting sent wacky Hubbard material that you aren’t going to see on the new Scientology television []

What Scientology TV should be about — but won’t dare to put on the air

[The Commodore]

With the news yesterday that Scientology TV is so imminent the church is having its videos tested on focus groups in Manhattan, we’re more anxious than ever to see what Scientology leader David Miscavige is going to put on the air, perhaps as early as this weekend. []