Scientology’s annual co-opting of Christmas is back, and this marks the 40th anniversary of “Winter Wonderland,” when, from his hiding place in 1983, L. Ron Hubbard had a Christmas tree put up in Hollywood for the first time. Continue reading Scientology’s co-opting of Christmas is back, and we have a grim reminder about it
[Phil and Willie Jones and their kids Mike and Emily] As of this week, it’s been 10 years since we’ve seen our kids, Emily and Mike. Scientology made them disconnect from us once we were out and criticized the cult. There is always a sense of amazement to me that the kids would go along with this L. Ron Hubbard mandate about disconnection, but then I look at how insidious the conditioning is in Scientology and how I also fell into its thrall for so many years. Continue reading Tom Cruise’s ‘religion’: Scientology has kept this family apart for a decade
Two weeks ago, we told you that one of our sources had received an invitation to attend a taping of Scientology’s New Year’s event on December 16 at LA’s Shrine Auditorium, which suggested that church leader David Miscavige was following up his visit to England in November to revive the annual IAS gala there by doing the same in Los Angeles with the traditional end-of-year celebration. Continue reading Confirmed: Scientology leader David Miscavige is coming to Los Angeles this month!
As Leah Remini’s Emmy-winning A&E network series Scientology and the Aftermath neared the end of its three-season run in 2019, it was a refrain we were beginning to hear constantly from the Church of Scientology itself: Leah Remini had blood on her hands. Continue reading New court leak: Scientology lied that Leah Remini had ‘blood on her hands’ in knife slay
We want to warn you the story we’re reprinting today is very disturbing and contains graphic descriptions that some may find difficult to deal with. Eight years ago we marked the 20th anniversary of the death of Lisa McPherson by recording, in real time, the final weeks of her life. Today marks the 28th anniversary of her final day on earth, and we are reproducing the culminating piece of our series which we published eight years ago. Continue reading Twenty-eight years ago today: The final hours of Lisa McPherson’s Scientology life
We’re still going through the more than 700 pages of new court documents that Leah Remini and her legal team submitted to the court Friday in response to Scientology’s attempt to gut her lawsuit against her former church. Continue reading Leah Remini spells out Scientology’s abuses in stunning new court declaration
Yesterday we told you that Leah Remini had fired back at Scientology’s attempt to gut her lawsuit with a motion to strike and anti-SLAPP. Continue reading Mike Rinder exposes Scientology ‘Fair Game’ for Leah Remini’s lawsuit
At the end of October, we told you that Scientology had responded to Leah Remini’s ‘Fair Game’ lawsuit with a barrage of accusations against her and more than 1,000 pages of exhibits, arguing that the church was only hitting back at Remini after she had started attacking them first. Continue reading Leah Remini fires back at Scientology’s attempt to gut her lawsuit
Last night, an undercover investigation of Scientology was aired on Radio Canada TV. Host Marie-Maude Denis and reporter Gaétan Pouliot focused their three-month investigation on Scientology’s Quebec Org, located in the Saint-Roch district in Quebec City. This was for the show called Enquéte, which in English means “investigation.” Continue reading Undercover investigation: Scientology’s dangerous games with mental health care
Earlier this year, the Daily Mail proposed that because flight data showed that Tom Cruise had not flown his helicopter into East Grinstead in the last three years, it suggested that Cruise was no longer visiting Scientology’s UK headquarters there at Saint Hill Manor, and so he appeared to be leaving Scientology itself. Continue reading David Miscavige’s nod to John Travolta debunks another tabloid ‘leaving Scientology’ fantasy