Tony Ortega is a journalist who was formerly the editor of The Village Voice. He's written about Scientology since 1995, and in May 2015 released a book about Scientology's harassment of Paulette Cooper titled 'The Unbreakable Miss Lovely.' He continues to monitor breaking developments in the Scientology world from an undisclosed location in an underground bunker he shares with four cats and one of them wrinkly Shar Pei dogs. Despite his super-secret security protections, you can still reach him pretty easily by sending him a message at tonyo94 AT (Drop him a line if you'd like to get an e-mail whenever a new story is posted.) [Header image courtesy John Rickard]
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Scientology denied twice in wrongful death lawsuit as parents grieve for Tabatha Fauteux

 “There’s nothing we don’t miss about her. She was just a lot of fun. Even when you were having the worst day of your life, she could figure out how to get a smile out of you,” Guy Fauteux told us yesterday about his daughter Tabatha. “It’s the worst. And she was doing so good. []


Bryan Seymour: Scientology’s sniffer-dog problem is bad timing for Narconon in Australia

[Australian K9 Detection Unit at work]

Two years ago, we told you that Scientology’s drug rehab in Australia was in trouble, and now there’s more evidence of it — the place is being sued for not paying its bills. And TV journalist Bryan Seymour tells us the timing couldn’t be worse for Scientology as it prepares []

Scientology’s Narconon rehabs haven’t changed in the least, even after dozens of lawsuits

[Joseph Dahdah]

Rod Keller keeps a close watch on Scientology’s front groups, and this week gives us another report on the church’s drug rehab network, []

One of Scientology’s new Narconons got inspected — and turned up one surprising result

 On September 5 last year, the Church of Scientology opened a Narconon drug rehab center in a country that it had forsaken several years earlier. Narconon United Kingdom was formally opened on that day at its East Sussex location with the usual fanfare — a fancy backdrop, some confetti, and a few speeches. []

EXCLUSIVE: Recent deaths of Scientology rehab staffers points to ongoing problem

 Rod Keller watches Scientology social media for us, and this week he got wind of the death of a former Narconon staff member. As he looked into it further, Rod discovered a disturbing []

Nearly four years after Stacy Murphy’s death, Scientology files motion to kill much of lawsuit

 It’s been nearly four years since Stacy Dawn Murphy, 20, was found dead at Scientology’s flagship drug rehab center, Narconon Arrowhead, in Oklahoma. Two other patients at the clinic had died in just the previous nine months, but it was Stacy’s death that particularly shocked local and national media, leading to a new focus on []

Attorney for Scientology’s drug rehab centers threatens lawyer running anti-Narconon website

Jonathan Little

Another day, another threat letter.

On Wednesday, we shared with you the latest threat letter Karen de la Carriere received from Scientology attorney Bert Deixler. Today, we have a salvo from Los Angeles attorney William H. Forman, who represents some Narconon entities, complaining about a website operated by Jonathan Little.

We’ve told you []

Trial set in New York on April 7 over Narconon drug rehab hiding connection to Scientology

 In September 2014, we told you about a lawsuit against a Scientology “Narconon” drug rehab facility in Florida that was filed by a New York couple, Heidi and Nathaniel Gore. At that time, the lawsuit had survived a challenge by Narconon’s attorneys, who said it didn’t make sense for the Florida rehab to be sued []

Confirmed: Narconon’s entire Northern California network splits with Scientology

 Last month, we told you that Scientology leader David Miscavige was in the process of detonating and rebirthing his drug rehab network, Narconon. He’s opening new centers around the world, and the existing centers are being given an ultimatum: Get with the new program and be more tightly managed by Scientology itself, or get []

Another Scientology rehab death — and why this one is particularly bad for David Miscavige

 Just a couple of weeks ago, we were telling you that Scientology leader David Miscavige was responding to the difficulties faced by the church’s drug rehab network, Narconon, by relaunching it. While numerous Narconon facilities have been hit with lawsuits over patient deaths and other claims of harm and dishonest dealing, Miscavige was opening new []