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A Scientology celebrity emailed us the other day. And it started an exchange.

 We received an email from a non-American Scientology celebrity recently, and it started a brief exchange, which we have edited here only very lightly for clarity. We are not identifying this person other than to point out their foreign origin and that they have had international success in a field of []


Letters from Scientology’s celebrities that charmed the pants off LA’s city council

[Isaac and Anne, Church of Scientology photo]

Mike Rinder, over at his blog, pointed out last month that Scientologists were celebrating the 25th anniversary of the renaming of North Berendo Street in Los Angeles to “L. Ron Hubbard []

What the New Yorker left out of its story about Elisabeth Moss and Scientology

 It’s a simple formula. A successful Hollywood star has a new vehicle launching, and publications line up to interview them to coincide with it. []

Scientology’s saddest celebrity, Eddie Deezen, committed after latest arrest

[Eddie Deezen in ‘Wargames,’ and today]

On April 11 we broke the news that actor Eddie Deezen had been arrested again in Cumberland, Maryland, this time for burglary and trespassing. Three days later, TMZ added the detail that Eddie had pushed his way into a nursing home and refused to leave, resulting in the []

Scientology’s saddest celebrity, Eddie Deezen, arrested again

 Last June, we told you about the bizarre dustup between Eddie Deezen, a young waitress, and a restaurant in Cumberland, Maryland that resulted in the arrest of the Grease and Wargames actor, and his strange justifications for his behavior at his Facebook []

No, Will Smith was not high on Scientology when he slugged Chris Rock at the Oscars

[The slap heard ’round the world]

Naturally, after Sunday night’s absolutely bizarre moment during the Oscar broadcast when Will Smith slapped Chris Rock’s face for making fun of Will’s wife Jada Pinkett Smith, the jokes about the Smiths and Scientology started up on social []

Chill EB? Joy Villa? Kuba Ka? All hail the next Scientology celebrity superstar: Wicked Witch!

 If you go to the Super Bowl tomorrow in Los Angeles, you might run into Scientologists handing out copies of The Way to Happiness and pamphlets from Drug Free World. And if you’re lucky, the person who hands you that DFW literature is a music hustler by the name of Wicked []

Anne Archer is still pitching her Scientology front group ‘Artists for Human Rights’

 Academy Award-nominated actress and Scientology celebrity Anne Archer is still going strong with her very own Scientology front group, Artists for Human []

Why Scientology celebrity Elisabeth Moss is problematic as an icon of reproductive rights

 On Thursday, Salon writer Melanie McFarland noted that it was like clockwork: Whenever challenges to abortion rights come up on social media, there’s a reflexive use of imagery from Hulu’s series ‘The Handmaid’s Tale.’ And with this past week’s news out of Texas, with a law there literally putting bounties on the heads of people []

Laura Prepon claims she’s out: ‘For Scientology this is catastrophic’ says Mike Rinder

[Laura Prepon, just six years ago, in a Scientology magazine]

We saw a lot of people on social media celebrating yesterday’s People magazine interview with Laura Prepon, in which the Orange is the New Black actress said she hasn’t practiced Scientology for the last five []