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Valerie Haney: Scientology changed the rules after I nominated Elisabeth Moss, Tom Cruise

[How did Valerie nominating Tom violate Scientology’s rules?]

[See our report from the court hearing here. Judge Killefer has decided to give Valerie one more chance to submit a ‘reasonable’ nomination.]

Today, Valerie Haney and the Church of Scientology will once again be sparring in a Los Angeles courtroom over something the court is supposed to have []


She was branded a Scientologist villain by some online. But is she a villain at all?

[Grace Hunter and Anthony Tardugno]

Last summer, there was a small news item in Clearwater, Florida about a 75-year-old woman named Grace Hunter who had been arrested after a hit-and-run crash with her car that had left a 51-year-old cyclist []

After Cruise, Moss, and Shelly noms, Valerie Haney called ‘obstructionist’ by Scientology

[Scientology attorney William Forman and Valerie Haney]

In advance of Thursday’s court hearing in Valerie Haney’s kidnapping and harassment lawsuit, Scientology’s attorney William Forman has filed a declaration accusing Valerie of “obstructionist tactics and bad faith selection of unavailable []

EXCLUSIVE: Lisa Marie Presley on Scientology, its leader David Miscavige, and why she left

[Lisa Marie Presley in 2015]

How I got to know Lisa Marie Presley was that a bomb went off in the Los Angeles Times on April 8, []

Scientology founder L. Ron Hubbard, spiritual father of the Fair Tax bill in Congress

 Today’s guest post is by historian Chris Owen, author of ‘Ron the War []

Podcast: Mark Bunker explains that David Miscavige is not ‘missing,’ he’s HIDING

 Over the last few days, you’ve probably noticed some breathless tabloid claims that Scientology’s leader David Miscavige has gone []

37 years ago: The eerie Hollywood Palladium sendoff for Scientology founder L. Ron Hubbard

[David Miscavige, master of ceremonies]

 Thirty-seven years ago today, Scientologists in the Los Angeles area were instructed to come to the Hollywood Palladium for a special []

We asked a film critic: What are the odds Tom Cruise gets a statue at the Oscars this year?

 Last May we commissioned our old friend Luke Y. Thompson (AV Club) to review Top Gun: Maverick for the Underground Bunker, and we still think it’s the best written about that movie. This time, we asked him what the odds are that Scientology watchers will have to witness Tom Cruise taking home an Oscar now []

WTF? Scientology gets Yuma TV anchor fired for piece about Lisa Marie Presley

 Nearly 14 years ago, in March 2009, one of our favorite writers of all time, Roy Edroso, wrote a blurb for us at the Village []

Who takes over Scientology after Dave? Surprising answers from our experts

[John Goodwin and Emily Jones, and Shelly Miscavige (circa 1990)]

Well, we did it once again this week.

We got into some newsy stuff on our new podcast that we created for our subscribers, which we call Group []