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Check out how excited the kids at Scientology’s London org are about the IAS gala’s return

Yesterday we told you about how excited some former Scientologists are about the return of the IAS gala and Scientology leader David Miscavige to England for festivities on the weekend of November 3 to 5 in East []


Biggest protest since Anonymous era planned for Scientology leader’s return to England

[The IAS tent begins to take shape at Saint Hill]

In May, former London Scientology staffer Alexander “Apostate Alex” Barnes-Ross introduced himself to the Underground Bunker []

It’s spooky season, and Scientology doesn’t want to miss out on the recruiting opportunity!

As we’ve pointed out many times before, no matter how grim things seem to be for Scientology — with the pandemic hitting when the church was already dwindling, and with the bad press just never stopping — no matter how bad it gets, Scientology just never gives []

Before the IAS gala returns to England, here are photos secretly taken at the 2012 event

 After a three-year drought, Scientology’s big tent party for celebrating its wealthy donors — the annual IAS gala — is returning to Saint Hill, Scientology’s UK headquarters in East Grinstead, England. According to a flier, the three-day shindig is returning for the weekend of November 3-5, and the excitement is []

PODCAST: Trish Conley and her sister Liz on how Scientology destroyed their family

 It was pretty big news around here last month when “Ellen,” the woman who we featured in our 2015 story about a Scientology “Daycare from Hell,” decided to come forward and identify herself []

Philadelphia freedom: Scientology proves that it never gives up on brotherly love!

Once again, we have to differ with all of the negativity out there being forwarded by merchants of chaos: Scientology is taking this country ideal, and Dave’s troops are on []

Scientology whines in court again, and this time we’re the direct beneficiaries

[Scientology attorneys Forman and Mangels are not happy with Judge Kalra]

It should not surprise you to hear that Scientology’s attorneys are not happy again. But this time, they’re actually unhappy with a []

Why Scientology’s reclusive leader would risk re-emerging in England for the IAS gala

Several weeks ago, we told you that we were hearing from some of our sources in England that the IAS gala was going to be held there after an absence of four []

Indie Scientologists after their protest: We want to hear from church members about abuses

Last week we were curious about how the protest of independent Scientologists had panned out at Scientology’s Los Angeles []

Scientology whines that the Jane Does leaked info worse than Tom Mesereau did

[Scientology attorney Bill Forman is sticking up for Tom Mesereau]

We told you on Tuesday that Judge Upinder Kalra lifted the stay on the Bixler v. Scientology lawsuit and set a tentative trial date for September []