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Is Scientology really any different than other ‘churches’? Oh, you bet. Here’s one example.

[The “target” Scientology’s Freedom magazine put on Sara Goldberg for appearing in Going Clear]

An 81-year-old former Catholic priest, Australia-born but today living in France, contacted us yesterday to tell us about his []


Stop interacting with Scientology’s Internet trolls. Here’s proof it can backfire on you badly.

 Please believe us when we say that we really, really never wanted to write a single word about the pathetic Internet trolls known as John Alex Wood and Gemma []

After Steve Cannane’s big year writing about Scientology, we hit him up for a look back

 Earlier this year, London-based Australian journalist Steve Cannane published a terrific new book on Scientology titled Fair Game. We asked him for a year-end message and he sent us []

When L. Ron Hubbard briefly let down his guard and admitted Scientology was all a con

 We’re very happy to see that Steve Cannane’s book, Fair Game: The Incredible Untold Story of Scientology in Australia has been getting a lot of press since it was released on September 19. Naturally, media reports have tended to focus on celebrity hijinks in the book, as well as recent stories of abuse in Scientology []

Talking highlights of ‘Fair Game’ with its author, Aussie journalist Steve Cannane

 Steve Cannane’s book Fair Game was released today around the world by HarperCollins (in Australia) and Silvertail Books (UK, US, Canada). Steve gave us an advance look at the book, and so we sent him some questions about some of the things we found really remarkable in []

For Scientology’s most infamous dirty trickster, retirement has a happy ending

[El Jefe welcomes you to his empire]

Once again, we want to pay tribute to our great researchers and tipsters. We simply couldn’t keep up this daily website without the invaluable help we get from unsung heroes who are constantly on the lookout for court records and business documents and so many other things.

One of our []

The Church of Intimidation: Scientology stalks another ex-member on the taxpayer dime

 What we have for you today appears to be a pretty slight item. It’s a letter, and it’s literally only one line long.

But when we saw it, we thought it spoke volumes, and we wanted to share it with you.

Doing so, however, would be tricky. Let us []

Spying, intimidation, and ruin: Two lives caught up in Scientology’s notorious ‘Fair Game’

[Gregg Hagglund, right, on the picket line in Toronto]

When you’re the target of a Scientology “noisy” investigation, the thing that’s the most unsettling is the not knowing. []

Reporter’s notebook: Scientology’s latest intimidation attempt is sadly familiar

 This isn’t the kind of story that we prefer to write, as our longtime readers can attest. But sometimes, circumstances arise which are hard to ignore. To explain what we mean, we first want to talk a little about Scientology’s goofy propaganda magazine, []

Karen de la Carriere: Scientology is smearing me again, and this time is hitting below the belt

 Just in time for Valentine’s Day we have a not so heartwarming story of Scientology Fair Game. You may be aware that BBC presenter Louis Theroux premiered a new film in London last October titled “My Scientology Movie.” We were there, and so was Karen de la Carriere, who happens to be a neighbor of []