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Mike Bennitt shares with us a creepy e-mail he received after filming Scientology events

Mike Bennitt

Last night, we showed you surprising tax documents in which the Church of Scientology was forced to estimate the “book value” of some of its many entities. Three of those entities alone (CSI, CST, and FSO) came to nearly $1.5 billion.

Why does Scientology, a tiny organization with maybe 30,000 worldwide members at []


Leah Remini Retaliation? Suddenly, Scientology “Fair Gaming” Of Critics Is Way Up

Claire Headley and the boys: Are these kids so threatening, they deserve to be stalked by Scientology’s private eyes?

Since it was revealed that Leah Remini was breaking away from the Church of Scientology, her family has been anticipating that Scientology will do its thing and go on the warpath.

Now, we have evidence that []