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Scientology’s Shiny New Mark Ultra VIII E-Meter

One of the more exciting results of Scientology’s new product release was the slick new E-meter that all church members will now be expected to purchase, and for the low price of only $5,000!

We asked the one person who probably knows more about this device than anyone else to give us the lowdown on its []


Our Experts Prepare Us for the Wall of Fire — Scientology’s Operating Thetan Level Three!

Claire Headley is taking us on our journey to train as Scientologists. She and her husband Marc were Sea Org workers who escaped from Scientology’s International Base in 2005. She spent years working with Scientology’s “tech,” and was trusted to oversee the auditing of Tom Cruise. Go here to see the first part in this []

Here Comes Scientology, Here Comes Scientology, Right Down Hollywood Boulevard!

If you live in Southern California, you know there are some wonderful traditions that help define the calendar.

One of them is not the Hollywood Christmas Parade. Cheesy and lame, this embarrassment of a holiday procession is an afterthought even in Tinseltown.

But Scientology rarely misses an opportunity to be a part of the event, []

Scientology Sunday Funnies: Fundraising Mailers Galore!

On Sundays, we enjoy revealing to you the latest mailers and fliers that our tipsters have forwarded to us. We call it Sunday Funnies after the weekly ritual that dear Grandad enjoyed in this thing they used to call a “newspaper.”

This week, we have lots of items from around the world. So grab a cup []

Scientology Celebrates its Legal Defense Slush Fund, and What a Party!

There it is! Finally! The elaborate set-piece for last night’s International Association of Scientologists annual gala under the big tent in Clearwater, Florida.

We leaked plans for this globe-and-flags backdrop more than a month ago, and it’s fun to see it in its full glory, thanks to some nameless Scientologist who broke the rules and snapped []

Tonight: Scientology Gets Its IAS Gala On — Let’s Get Dauntless, Defiant, and Resolute!

Just two weeks after Scientology held its grand opening for its new quasi-cathedral — the Super Power Building — it’s time for another big party in Clearwater, Florida.

The annual International Association of Scientologists gala is normally held in a tent in England in October. But this year, the tent was shipped over to Florida in []

Jefferson Hawkins Explains the Ethics of Scientology’s “Suppressive Person”

Have you ever seen an SP, Tom?

Jefferson Hawkins was once the top marketing executive for the Church of Scientology and helped it reach its greatest extent with the famous “volcano” TV ads in the 1980s. He’s told his tale of getting into and out of the church with his excellent books Counterfeit Dreams []

Vivian Kubrick Surfaces in the Oddest Possible Way: At an Alex Jones Rally

The Underground Bunker hopes you are about to enjoy a wonderful holiday weekend, and we offer you this treat as you prepare for family, food, and fun. (We’ll assume that our non-U.S. readers know that this is a big four-day weekend here.)

We couldn’t think of a better way to send you on your holiday than []

Bizarre and Pricey! Auditing Scientology’s Operating Thetan Level 2 with Claire & Bruce

Claire Headley is taking us on our journey to train as Scientologists. She and her husband Marc were Sea Org workers who escaped from Scientology’s International Base in 2005. She spent years working with Scientology’s “tech,” and was trusted to oversee the auditing of Tom Cruise. Go here to see the first part in this []


Back in July, we broke the news that Leah Remini had left Scientology after growing up in the church and becoming one of its most well-known celebrity defenders. We learned that she had begun to grow disaffected after what she saw at Tom Cruise’s 2006 wedding to Katie Holmes, and then decided to leave for []