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The Flaw In Scientology’s Religious Outrage Theory: A Man Named Steven Gregory Sloat

Steve Sloat. Or Greg Sloat, depending.

Now that we’ve had a couple of days to absorb Scientology’s surprising new motion in Monique Rathbun’s harassment lawsuit against the church, a few things are becoming more clear.

First, this really is a remarkable legal strategy by the church, which now admits that it was behind outrageous behavior []


Next in the Garcia Fraud Lawsuit: Scientology Is Asked to Explain Its Arbitration System

Judge James D. Whittemore

On Friday, federal Judge James D. Whittemore issued an order in Luis and Rocio Garcia’s fraud lawsuit against the Church of Scientology. Whittemore has given Scientology until Thursday to produce a 5-page memo explaining its arbitration system as this case approaches its next hurdle.

On October 3, Whittemore dispensed with Scientology’s []



Church files an Anti-SLAPP motion in the lawsuit, arguing that its 199-day intimidation of the Rathbuns was protected free speech


Scientology’s chief private investigator now claims he is a Scientologist and was personally offended by Marty Rathbun’s apostasy


Mike Bennitt, an ex-Scientologist who has been filming proceedings, reports that he’s now being tailed by private investigators, and []

Scientology Drug Rehab: New Evidence in the Disturbing Case of Richard Teague

Drug rehab centers affiliated with the Church of Scientology have become the focus of multiple government investigations and civil lawsuits in the last two years, and one of the most disturbing cases involving those facilities is the one of Richard Teague in Michigan.

On January 15, 2011, while being held in the “withdrawal unit” of Narconon []

Day After French Defeat, Scientology Handed A Friendly Verdict From The Dutch

Yesterday, France’s highest court laid down an historic decision, upholding a verdict that found the Church of Scientology’s Paris Celebrity Centre had fraudulently harmed people simply by applying Scientology’s normal processes.

It was the culmination of years of prosecutions, countered by the usual circus-like Scientology court shenanigans in appeals, but ultimately, France held fast. In that []

Starting Today: Jefferson Hawkins Helps Us Get Our Scientology Ethics In!

Jefferson Hawkins was once the top marketing executive for the Church of Scientology and helped it reach its greatest extent with the famous “volcano” TV ads in the 1980s. He’s told his tale of getting into and out of the church with his excellent books Counterfeit Dreams and Leaving Scientology, and he’s helping us understand []

Scientology Asks for Protection in Texas; ALSO: Lawrence Wright a Finalist for Nat’l Book Award

Scientology doesn’t want Monique Rathbun to share information with her husband Marty

The next phase of Monique Rathbun’s harassment lawsuit against Scientology leader David Miscavige will involve some blockbuster depositions from the likes of actress Leah Remini and former church spokesman Tommy Davis, but for now the two sides are stuck on a question []


Scientology in France — still a fraud

Our man in Paris, British journalist Jonny Jacobsen, is on the scene and tells us that French media have just reported that Scientology’s fraud conviction has been upheld.

Jonny’s been all over this case for years at his blog, Infinite Complacency, where he had recently put together a []

Chicago’s On Fire: Jason Beghe and Christian Stolte Send Their Regards to the Bunker

With both of them working on the same television series, NBC’s Chicago Fire, we knew it was only a matter of time before two actors who are favorites of readers here at the Underground Bunker got together for a laugh.

We’ve been writing about Jason Beghe since 2008, when he made a very public exit from []

Help Us Decode Leah Remini’s Anti-Scientology Dance From Last Night’s Dancing With The Stars

If you didn’t catch last night’s Dancing With the Stars on ABC, you really missed something remarkable — interpretive dance on national prime time television!

And it was performed by King of Queens actress Leah Remini, who once again had a giant platform to talk about her experience of walking away from the Church of Scientology. []