Tony Ortega is a journalist who was formerly the editor of The Village Voice. He's written about Scientology since 1995, and in May 2015 released a book about Scientology's harassment of Paulette Cooper titled 'The Unbreakable Miss Lovely.' He continues to monitor breaking developments in the Scientology world from an undisclosed location in an underground bunker he shares with four cats and one of them wrinkly Shar Pei dogs. Despite his super-secret security protections, you can still reach him pretty easily by sending him a message at tonyo94 AT (Drop him a line if you'd like to get an e-mail whenever a new story is posted.) [Header image courtesy John Rickard]
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Did Marc and Claire Headley just find Shelly Miscavige’s new location?

 In a new video they posted yesterday, Marc and Claire Headley revealed that a “Michele Diane Miscavige” registered to vote in 2017 at a Scientology address in Petrolia, []


More new Scientology harassment detail in the lawsuit from Danny Masterson’s victims

[During the trials]

Last week we described how Scientology is trying to strike portions of the lawsuit filed by Danny Masterson’s victims, and they are fighting back by posting more details of the harassment they’ve been going through since they came forward to the LAPD in []

Here’s our story about big 2023 donors Scientology doesn’t want you to see

 Here we go again!

Substack has taken down one of our entire posts (published December 24) reporting on legitimate news about Scientology after the church complained about the use of their images, and Substack did it without even giving us the opportunity to remove the images before taking down the story as a []

Scientology’s 2023: Another year is in the books at the Underground Bunker!

Was this the busiest year ever at the Underground Bunker? Sure felt like it. And the stories are still coming, even on a weekend like []

Do Scientologists celebrate Christmas? Well, the London org sure did.

 We’ve pointed out numerous times that Scientology has a problematic relationship with Christmas, but in the end, it’s a secular holiday and whatever the reason for your season, have at []

Actress Tricia Vessey and civil RICO added to Scientology lawsuit in proposed new complaint

[Actress Tricia Vessey joins the ‘Bixler’ lawsuit against Scientology and Danny Masterson]

 We’ve been telling you for several weeks that a new amended complaint was expected in the Bixler v. Scientology lawsuit, and that it might dramatically change the []

Getting the stink out of Scientology’s Saint Hill Manor: A special remembrance

 In recent weeks, conditions at Scientology’s UK headquarters, known as Saint Hill Manor, and its relations with local elected leaders, has become an issue thanks to the hard work of Alex Barnes-Ross. Alex asked for accounts of what life in Saint Hill is really like, and today we have a real treat. Karen Pressley answered []

The Underground Bunker’s 2023 Scientology year-in-review starts today!

 A very happy winter solstice to our northern hemisphere readers, and to our antipodean friends, enjoy your summer! Once again it’s time to take stock of the year just past with our annual review, and there’s no doubt about it, this year really []

Judge: Jane Doe 1 can have ‘limited discovery’ before arbitration showdown

[Judge Robert Broadbelt III]

We’ll have a correspondent in the courtroom today as Jane Doe 1’s forced-marriage lawsuit has a hearing at Los Angeles Superior Court. And in this case, Judge Robert Broadbelt III has already tipped his hand: Last night he issued a tentative ruling showing that he’s going to side with Jane Doe []

Breathe easy, space cadet: Your Scientology holiday shopping guide has arrived!

Once again, Scientology knows just what to suggest as you try to finish up your Christmas shopping list this []