Tony Ortega is a journalist who was formerly the editor of The Village Voice. He's written about Scientology since 1995, and in May 2015 released a book about Scientology's harassment of Paulette Cooper titled 'The Unbreakable Miss Lovely.' He continues to monitor breaking developments in the Scientology world from an undisclosed location in an underground bunker he shares with four cats and one of them wrinkly Shar Pei dogs. Despite his super-secret security protections, you can still reach him pretty easily by sending him a message at tonyo94 AT (Drop him a line if you'd like to get an e-mail whenever a new story is posted.) [Header image courtesy John Rickard]
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Mirriam Francis: Scientology’s system of abuse was exposed by the Danny Masterson trials

 [Today’s very special guest post is by Mirriam Francis, who appeared in the second season of Leah Remini: Scientology and the Aftermath as a young Scientologist whose abuse by her father was covered up by the []


PODCAST: Trish Conley returns for more dish on Scientology abuses

 Last week, we had a great time talking with Trish Conley and her sister Liz about what it’s been like for these former third-generation Scientologists to struggle with parents so dedicated to this abusive, totalitarian []

Indie Scientologists after their protest: We want to hear from church members about abuses

Last week we were curious about how the protest of independent Scientologists had panned out at Scientology’s Los Angeles []

Scientology’s elder abuse: The legal demand that even the church couldn’t ignore

[Graham Berry does it again]

If you’ve been watching Mike Rinder’s YouTube channel, you know he’s been detailing a horrific case of elder abuse spelled out by whistleblower Mike []

PODCAST: Jonny Jacobsen, our man in Paris, was on Scientology’s abuses before most

 We’ve had a lot of fun recently talking to great reporters who have covered Scientology like John Sweeney, Mark Ebner, and Steve Cannane. So of course we wanted to check in with our man in Paris, one of the very best journalists we know, Jonny []

Lawsuit seeks to make Scientology pay for years of costs after childhood sexual assault

[Gavin Potter, David Miscavige, and attorney Graham Berry]

 There’s a new filing in Jane Doe 1’s lawsuit against David Miscavige, Scientology, and a Sea Org executive named Gavin []

French minister details escaping Scientology as a child in social media spot

 A junior minister in the French government has recently recorded a summary of how her mother became a devoted Scientologist — and of her own years inside one of its schools in []

Janis Gilham Grady and Mark Fisher: Taking you into Scientology’s abuses and its past

 We’ll be at the courthouse today hoping the Danny Masterson retrial jury can deliver some verdicts before the holiday weekend. In the meantime, Janis Gillham Grady and Mark Fisher wanted to tell you about their new video []

Bruce Hines: Scientology has always protected abusers and always will

[Dark secrets in the South Tyrol]

[While we have a day off from deliberations at the Danny Masterson retrial, we have this treat to tide us over, the latest vivid narrative from Bruce []

Former London staffer tells his story: ‘Abuse is fundamental to Scientology’s very nature’

 You can’t leave the room until you’ve written down everything you’ve done wrong. “Have you ever masturbated?” I was asked. “Write down every instance you’ve done this in as much detail as you can: when, where, how many times. Did you watch porn? What type? How long for?”. These were my last few moments in []