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PODCAST: Auditing Mary Sue Hubbard while Scientology kept her on house arrest

[Mary Sue with her husband, and her 1993 auditor, Bruce Hines]

 Yesterday, we posted another great piece by former Scientology auditor and Sea Org member Bruce []


PODCAST: Mirriam Francis is thriving since defying Scientology’s code of silence

 Earlier this week, we received a surprise. It was a message from someone we haven’t heard from in a few years, and someone we really []

PODCAST: Jon Atack has some things to say about Mike Rinder’s new book on Scientology

 The big news this week of course is that former Scientology spokesman and Leah Remini’s costar Mike Rinder has released his really terrific book about his experience in the church, A Billion Years: My Escape from a Life in the Highest Ranks of []

PODCAST: Mark Bunker on Scientology’s sabotage of progress in Clearwater

 Thanks to the intrepid work of Tampa Bay Times reporter Tracey McManus, we learned this past week that Scientology continues its old tricks in Clearwater, the Florida city whose downtown was taken over by the church in a surreptitious takeover 45 years []

What is this ‘Substack’ thing anyway, and what’s going on at the Underground Bunker?

Three months ago we made a decision to move our new daily stories to the Substack platform. It’s been a big success for us, but we know there have been hiccups for our readers, and so we thought we’d take the time to review where the Underground Bunker is now, just a week short of []

PODCAST: Jesse Prince is here to shake up your understanding of Scientology

[Jesse Prince, author of ‘The Expert Witness’]

If you’ve been a Scientology watcher as long as some of our stalwarts at the Bunker, you will remember a time when our guest today was as electric a campaigner against Scientology’s abuses as anyone who had come out of the organization’s upper []

Now with no restrictions: Our podcast series on the Scientology docuseries that never aired

 In June, we started our experiment with Substack and asked readers to sign up for free emails so our stories would come right to your inboxes. Less than three months later, we now have more than triple the subscriber base we did previously, and you’ve all helped us reach a much larger []

The best TV show on Scientology you never got to see, Episode 5: Jamie DeWolf

[Jamie filming the Sirens Media series in Los Angeles]

In 2016, the A&E Network had filmed and edited an eight-episode series about Scientology that has never []

The best TV show on Scientology you never got to see, Episode 4: Katrina Reyes

[Katrina and her mother, before Scientology tore them apart]

In 2016, the A&E Network had filmed and edited an eight-episode series about Scientology that has never []

PODCAST: Examining Scientology’s new marketing juggernaut, a ‘Wider Bridge’

[Jefferson Hawkins: Dave is flailing]

Recently, Scientology has been advertising a big advance they are referring to as a ‘wider Bridge,’ which was to be announced last week. Well, it turns out that it’s just David Miscavige’s way to get Scientologists excited that local orgs are dropping some Covid protocols and starting up things like the []