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TOM CRUISE CAUGHT ON TAPE: Saving face after a Scientology disaster

[Tom Cruise in 2006 — from ‘Mission: Impossible III’]

In November 2006, Tom Cruise was at a major crossroads in his charmed life. Early that month, he and his producing partner Paula Wagner had become heads of a studio and were about to meet their new []


Fans feeling conflicted about Tom Cruise and Scientology after seeing Top Gun 2 trailer

[He’s feeling the need, again]

Twitter lit up yesterday with people agonizing over the new Top Gun 2 trailer showing Tom Cruise playing his old character Pete “Maverick” Mitchell, some 34 years after the first film was []

Tom Cruise’s son Connor to marry Scientology staffer in the church’s Florida mecca

[Connor Cruise and Silvia Zanchi]

In yet another sign of just how dedicated Tom Cruise and his older children are to Scientology, Australia’s Woman’s Day magazine is reporting that Cruise’s 24-year-old son Connor is preparing to marry Silvia Zanchi, a Scientologist from Bergamo, Italy who is a staff worker at Scientology’s mission in Belleair, []


 We were stunned this morning to receive a copy of an email sent out to Scientologists on March 19 that contained a bizarre “success story” from a parishioner encouraging other Scientologists to do an “internship” to become an auditor at the London org. We did a real double-take when we realized that the Scientologist in []

Tom Cruise, John Travolta and some other rare celebs made Scientology event in Florida

[David Miscavige and his galaxy of stars]

We noted yesterday that Scientology posted images from its L. Ron Hubbard Birthday Event which was held Saturday at Ruth Eckerd Hall in Clearwater, Florida. And now we’ve had a closer look at those images and found some []

It’s move-in day for Tom Cruise in his new Scientology Town penthouse!

 Our friend Clay Irwin is on the spot and alerted us to the joyous news that today is move-in day for Scientology icon Tom Cruise! []

Is Tom Cruise buying up downtown Clearwater to create a Scientology entertainment mecca?

[Tom Cruise and the Skyview in downtown Clearwater]

Clay Irwin signed a deal today to sell his downtown Clearwater bar, the Lucky Anchor, after a little less than two years operating a watering hole in the shadow of Scientology’s spiritual []

What the Australian press can’t say about James Packer and his Scientology adventure

[Before the fall: Mariah Carey and James Packer]

You may have been seeing stories out of Australia about actor Tom Cruise and an Australian billionaire named James Packer. These stories caught us by surprise for two []

Surprised Tom Cruise called Scientology a ‘beautiful religion’? You shouldn’t be.

 A week ago, Tom Cruise was in London for the opening of his newest film, Jack Reacher: Never Go Back, when the rarest of occurrences happened on the red carpet: A reporter asked Cruise a real []


[Tom Cruise and the building he’s said to be making his home, The Skyview in Clearwater]

Last year in September, a developer submitted new plans for a ten-story condo building in Clearwater, Florida that he’s been transforming for several years. That developer, Moises Agami, is a wealthy Scientologist from Mexico City whose family has donated millions []