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One of the best examples ever that Scientology can only be understood from ex-Scientologists

 We hear it from the academic types again and again. That there’s some kind of idyllic, moderate kind of Scientology that isn’t being represented in the stories coming out of the controversial organization. []


Why Scientology’s inability to pay its tax bill in Montreal is not a sign that it’s struggling

 There was some interesting news out of Montreal yesterday regarding Scientology’s empty and derelict “Ideal Org” project there. For those joining us recently, the “Ideal Org” program is church leader David Miscavige’s desperate attempt to give the impression that Scientology is not shrinking rapidly by opening new, unneeded churches in cities around the world and []

More Atlanta video: David Miscavige cuts the ribbon on Scientology’s new real estate venture!

 Previously, we posted video of Scientology leader David Miscavige giving his oration on April 2 to open the new “Ideal Org” in Atlanta, which was shot by a couple of very resourceful Underground Bunker readers who had secured a strategic position across the street from the []

Scientology rips apart families with its ‘disconnection’ policy — but why?

[Scientology’s ‘disconnection’ policy takes center stage]

From Phil and Willie Jones to Brian Sheen to Lori Hodgson to the Headleys to so many others. We’re hearing from more and more people who have been affected by Scientology’s policy of “disconnection” that is ripping families apart. Our friend and frequent contributor Jeffrey Augustine has been looking into []

Astra Woodcraft, ex-Scientology kid, wants you to read a short essay

 We’re still recovering from the 10,000-word page-turner (heh, get it?) that we uncorked yesterday after days of hard work and a nail-biting []

Augustine: One weird trick every Scientologist needs to learn for real ‘total freedom’

[Dear Scientology…]

Jeffrey Augustine is back, continuing on his investigation of Scientology’s governing documents and what they mean for members and ex-members. This time, Jeff tells us about the thing every ex-member of Scientology should do as soon as he or she has decided to []

Talking Scientology with actor and podcaster Ethan McKinley

 For those of you who didn’t see it posted in the comments last night by a vigilant reader, we’re going to put up the interview we did yesterday with Ethan []

Chris Shelton: How Scientologists can use critical thinking to break free

 Chris Shelton has a valuable message for Scientologists of all kinds in his newest video. We thought you’d want to see []

Scientology’s ‘personality test’ taken apart like never before, and by a former member

 Chris Shelton has a nice treat for us today. He took a very detailed look at the history and use of Scientology’s “Oxford Capacity Analysis,” the fancy (and fraudulent) name for its famous personality test. []

Meet the guy Scientology is relying on to get the ‘disconnection’ billboard stopped

[Dennis Holt, center]

On Tuesday, Phil Jones signed the contract for his Scientology ‘disconnection’ billboard with Regency Media, and he then gave us the green light to tell our readers about its location and the date of its unveiling. On March 22, the billboard will be dedicated at a celebration held by Phil and his wife []