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Scientology just sent its celebs the longest email in history. It’s an orgy of propaganda!

 Wow, Scientology is springing out of the pandemic with exuberance! []


Scientology enlisting police to indoctrinate kids? Sure, why not!

 Last month we told you that, thanks to a “reply all” accident, we’d learned that some in the Dutch government consider Scientology a “controversial” organization and are keeping a wary eye on its floating cathedral, the vessel Freewinds, as it spends time in Dutch islands of the []

This is what it’s like to become a super being at Scientology’s Florida ‘mecca’

[Adrian Caligiuri, super being]

Thanks to one of our great readers, we have the new issue of Source magazine, the propaganda organ for Scientology’s “Flag Land Base,” its spiritual mecca in Clearwater, []

And now a word from Scientology’s very own church ladies — Valley chapter

 One of the things that makes Scientology so unique is the way it’s caught between two very different concepts of []

What the Dutch Coast Guard really thinks about Scientology and its ship the Freewinds

[Is this Freewinds Capt Mike Napier “training” Dutch Coast Guard members?]

In 2019, Scientology issued one of its typically boastful press releases, this time about its private cruise ship, the Freewinds. In it, the church claimed about its floating cathedral, “Such is her reputation, the International Maritime Organization (IMO) appointed the Freewinds as a training platform []

Scientology celebrates new staff as everything is really going gangbusters

 Although the pandemic put a hold on Scientology’s major events and its ‘Ideal Org’ grand openings, leader David Miscavige is still pushing his troops to staff up orgs that were about to open before the []

What Scientology’s happy propaganda doesn’t tell you about its Florida ‘spiritual mecca’

[The Flag Building at the Flag Land Base]

Since we posted Scientology’s own very fun photo essay about what it’s like to be a pilgrim at the Flag Land Base, Scientology’s spiritual mecca in Clearwater, Florida, we’ve heard from a couple of our sources about what things are like there, contrary to the church’s []

Here’s the 2022 Scientology Super Bowl ad, this year’s ‘mystery sandwich’

 Right at midnight on February 13, the day that the Super Bowl will take place, Scientology revealed its ad for the big game this year. And once again, it’s a mystery []

Chill EB? Joy Villa? Kuba Ka? All hail the next Scientology celebrity superstar: Wicked Witch!

 If you go to the Super Bowl tomorrow in Los Angeles, you might run into Scientologists handing out copies of The Way to Happiness and pamphlets from Drug Free World. And if you’re lucky, the person who hands you that DFW literature is a music hustler by the name of Wicked []

VIDEO: Sure you don’t want to join Scientology staff? These people seem pretty stoked.

 [NOTE: Please see last night’s breaking story.]

The Orlando “Ideal Org” continues to pump out the recruitment hoopla, including a new video, and we thought we’d help them get the word []