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Scientology hype video celebrating its pandemic response is the bomb

 Thanks to one of our tipsters, we’re learning that all Scientologists are being asked to come down to their local orgs for an “international Scientology news update” in coming []


‘Almost Andy Reid’ says he’s unhappy that Scientology used him in propaganda video

 We had kind of a wild time last night, and we thought we’d tell you all about it. Yesterday, we posted a new Scientology hip-hop video, notable, we thought, because it didn’t feature Scientology’s longtime in-house rapper, Chill []

UCLA’s voice of the Rose Bowl & Pauley Pavilion scores Scientology Super Power!

[Chuck White at Pauley]

Yesterday’s news about David Miscavige becoming a fixture at the Flag Land Base wasn’t the only interesting thing we found in the latest issue of Scientology’s Source []

Scientology social media: Things really couldn’t be better in Miscavigeland

 Our special source once again has let us in on what Scientologists are sharing with each other on social media, and we have a few items this week which prove that the church is charging ahead at full steam into a post-lockdown []

When Scientologists talk Scientology, we all benefit from it

 We really miss the days when Dave would send out a new copy of International Scientology News that came packaged with a CD of goodies, including a new testimonials video. Those were good []

Scientology social media: The world’s coolest religion is on fire!

 Once again we want to thank our source who gives us a look inside Scientology’s social media streams. This week we have another collection of theta energy to help you get ready to rocket up the Bridge to Total []

Here’s Scientology’s 2021 Super Bowl ad: A pandemic-flavored ‘mystery sandwich’

 So much has been different this year, but Scientology remains consistent and is serving up another mystery sandwich for the Super []

Scientology celebrates its pandemic response in latest Impact magazine

 Oh, Impact magazine, how we’ve missed []

Scientology social media: Stop being afraid to turn over all your hard earned cash!

 Once again we’re indebted to our social media source who lets us in on what Scientologists are sharing with each other []

Scientology social media is like space age Christmas, praise Xenu!

[Remember us?]

Our thanks once again to the source who keeps us plugged in to what Scientologists are sharing with each other on social media. Let’s catch up with what church members are excited about as the year nears its end, shall []