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Oh, now they’ve done it: Scientology gets in trouble with the Smurfs

 How many times have we seen Scientology blatantly make use of copyrighted images in their fundraising materials, co-opting movies like Top Gun and Braveheart and the superhero []


When will governments get that Scientology has been breaking bad for 70 years?

 In the penultimate episode of the fourth season of Breaking Bad, Walter White becomes determined to wipe out his former boss Gus Fring with a car bomb. While he waits for Fring to go to his car on the fifth floor of a distant parking garage, White watches from the roof of a downtown Albuquerque []

Sinéad O’Connor and Scientology: How she dodged a Thetan-tipped bullet

[O’Connor on The Graham Norton Show in February, 2012]

Sinéad O’Connor’s death at the age of 56 has produced an outpouring of tributes to her as a transformative artist and political figure, as well as moving portraits of her struggles with mental illness, something she was more open about than most. (See, for example, this superb []

More proof that Scientology is taking over the planet, you doubters

 We know you think David Miscavige is on the ropes, what with Leah Remini and everyone else suing him, and process servers hunting him down, and his Austin Ideal Org grand opening ceremony canceled, and so many questions being asked about his wife, []

PODCAST: Spanky Taylor and Karen Pressley assess Leah Remini’s damage on Scientology!

 Karen Pressley is in Los Angeles to celebrate the 25th anniversary of her decision to leave the Church of Scientology, and she’s visiting other escapees, including her good friend Spanky []

While Miscavige spends millions on new buildings, Scientology withers elsewhere

 One of the many reasons that we appreciate Mike Rinder and look forward to his recovery is that at his blog he has done such a diligent job over many years documenting how Scientology has been withering []

Coming Sunday: Valerie Haney talks to Aussie 60 Minutes in first TV sitdown since ‘Aftermath’

In 2019, we had a happy accident: We just happened to be in Los Angeles visiting family when Tara Brown and a 60 Minutes Australia crew were in the area, and asked if we could go with them up to the Twin Peaks compound in the San Bernardino mountains where Scientology has stashed Shelly Miscavige []

Scientology wanted you to believe that the urge to leave was a failing. It wasn’t.

[Sunny, serving her billion-year contract]

Scientology in the 1970s was known for being a fun place, a cool hang out, a place to make new friends. This appeal brought in many new followers. Scientology was supposed to be a different kind of religion, a hip and cool []

Some personal news from Tony Ortega, the Underground Bunker’s proprietor

 Hey, gang. I have some personal news that I wanted to share with []

More adventures serving legal papers on the elusive Scientology leader David Miscavige!

Tomorrow in court Jane Doe 1’s legal team will attempt to prove to a Los Angeles Superior Court judge that they have made adequate attempts to serve the defendants in her new lawsuit, which was filed in December but only unsealed in []