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Scientology’s elder abuse: The legal demand that even the church couldn’t ignore

[Graham Berry does it again]

If you’ve been watching Mike Rinder’s YouTube channel, you know he’s been detailing a horrific case of elder abuse spelled out by whistleblower Mike []


Sworn testimony on Scientology harassment in Leah Remini’s lawsuit

Last week we told you that Leah Remini had augmented her lawsuit against Scientology by submitting a motion to the court asking for an []

Read Danny Masterson’s probation report that recommended state prison

 One of the best things about covering Danny Masterson’s two trials was getting to know other journalists who work out of Los Angeles Superior Court. And we were especially fortunate to get to know Meghann Cuniff, who covers the stories there like a bulldog. Seriously, you should be reading her essential reporting on cases there []

Court today: Masterson victims want to resume lawsuit, Scientology wants it kept on ice

[Scientology attorney William Forman and Danny Masterson]

Danny Masterson’s victims are expecting their civil lawsuit against him and against the Church of Scientology to resume today after Masterson’s September 7 sentencing, but Scientology’s attorneys are arguing that the lawsuit be kept in limbo. We’ll have someone there at Los Angeles Superior Court to let us know []

Scientology gets another journalist fired for daring to print the truth

 Like so many other online enterprises, InsideTheMagic started as a fan website from someone who wanted to write about his obsession. Created in 2005 as a podcast by Disney fan Ricky Brigante, the website grew to become a nexus for other Disney []

VIDEO: Independent Scientologists protest at Scientology HQ in Los Angeles

Victoria Palmer’s organized protest to “restore Scientology” took place yesterday, and we were fortunate that an Underground Bunker reader was there to record the []

Look who’s running for re-election in Clearwater: Mark Bunker wants your support!

It’s Day One of Mark Bunker’s campaign for re-election, and we’re fortunate that he stopped by to spell out his []

Predictable: Scientology tries to derail Jane Doe 1 lawsuit with ‘religious arbitration’

[Defendants Gavin Potter and David Miscavige, and attorney Graham Berry]

You probably knew this was coming. Scientology is going to its usual playbook with regards to Jane Doe 1’s new lawsuit against the church, David Miscavige, and Gavin []

When Scientology founder L. Ron Hubbard tried for the 2nd time to become a bigamist

With the publication of his epic history of Scientology, Going Clear: Scientology, Hollywood, and the Prison of Belief, New Yorker staffer Lawrence Wright uncovered a lot of new ground that left many of us []

Bijou Phillips divorcing Danny Masterson: A marriage over, or a purely legal maneuver?

center>[Photo by Meghann Cuniff]

We were in the courtroom on May 31 when the verdict was read and Bijou Phillips wailed as her husband Danny Masterson was convicted of two counts of forcible rape. It was a sound we will never []