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Scientology, abuse, and forgiveness: Val Ross on the men who did her wrong

[Valerie Ross’s story last week created such a reaction we asked her for another one, and we’re glad we did.]

When I was growing up, we used to rotate our summer vacations between Salt Lake City, where my mom’s family lived, and St. George, where my dad’s family lived. I loved my dad’s brother, Bert. We []


Here’s Danny Masterson’s motion for bail while on appeal, in all its pricey detail

[Danny Masterson and his new appellate attorneys, Gardner and Multhaup]

We were just out of court yesterday at the hearing in Leah Remini’s lawsuit when we heard the news that Danny Masterson’s new appellate attorneys had moved for him to be freed on bail while he’s appealing his []

We’re back in court today as Leah Remini’s lawsuit faces early hurdles

We’ll be back in the courtroom this morning as Judge Randolph Hammock once again takes up some important early matters in Leah Remini’s lawsuit against the Church of []

VIDEO: Apostate Alex’s MP calls for government investigation of Scientology!

Alexander Barnes-Ross continues to produce results, and this time he has a remarkable update: His meddling with Scientology’s affairs has resulted in an MP calling for an investigation of the Church in []

Scientology’s legacy: A look back from a remarkable new perspective

 Val Ross, we can say now, has been a big help to the Underground Bunker for several years. So when she sent us this remembrance of her Scientology past, we didn’t hesitate to show it to you. We think you’ll be as impressed by it as we []

We’re in LA for the hearing in Leah Remini’s lawsuit against Scientology

Last week Judge Randolph Hammock issued a tentative ruling regarding Scientology’s attempt to cut down Leah Remini’s defamation and harassment lawsuit that she filed in []

The civil case against Scientology and Danny Masterson, laid out in detail

Last month, we told you that the lawsuit filed by Danny Masterson’s victims was about to go through some big changes. The Jane Does suing Masterson and Scientology had submitted a new proposed version of the lawsuit that would add another plaintiff (actress Tricia Vessey), and also add sexual battery allegations against Masterson as well []

Mirriam Francis wants Scientology-shielded father brought to justice: how you can help

For years we’ve been talking to Mirriam Francis, who told her story on Leah Remini: Scientology and the Aftermath. She’s seeking justice after being sexually assaulted by her own father in Scientology, something she’s told us or written about for us here at the Bunker numerous []

You read about her encounter on a plane, now hear Tammy Synovec’s Scientology saga

 Tammy Synovec’s tale about sitting down next to a Scientologist on a flight out of Los Angeles generated a big reaction. For three hours, she had an opportunity she’d been hoping would happen for a long time: To talk to a current Scientologist about the problems she saw when she was a []

Scientology has a permit in Austin for this Saturday, but the ‘Ideal Org’ looks unready

What is going on, Dave?

Scientology leader David Miscavige boasted more than a year ago that he was going to open up four new “Ideal Orgs” in the first quarter of 2023, and nothing happened. Then, in November (at the IAS gala) and December (at the New Year’s event) he bragged that the four were definitely []