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Scientology honcho David Miscavige turns 63 today, and here’s his official church bio!

 Scientology leader David Miscavige turns 63 today — hip, hip, hooray! — and we thought it would be fun to look at the actual, official biography Scientology has for him on its []


David Miscavige irked by evidence of his Florida ties, but judge doesn’t want to hear it

[Scientology leader David Miscavige and federal Judge Thomas Barber]

We want to caution you that this is a very minor update we are telling you about today in the Baxter v. Scientology labor trafficking []

Scientology leader David Miscavige doing business in Florida: The evidence

 One of the most stunning claims that Scientology leader David Miscavige has made in his frenetic attempts to keep himself from being named a defendant in a Tampa labor trafficking lawsuit is that he does no business in []

David Miscavige objects to being served, claims he does no business in Florida

[Dave, doing business in Florida]

As expected, David Miscavige, through his attorney Florida Bar past president William Schifino, filed an objection yesterday to the recent court ruling that named the Scientology leader a defendant in a labor trafficking lawsuit.

It’s a []

David Miscavige insists he was still not served, asks court for time to object to ruling

 [UPDATE: Judge Barber has granted Miscavige’s request, and the Scientology leader can put off answering the lawsuit itself until his objections to the ruling naming him a defendant can be heard. Isn’t American justice grand?]

We’re looking forward to the two sides in the Baxter v. Scientology labor trafficking case to turn in their 10-page answers []

Something big is happening with Scientology in Chicago today: But will Dave be there?

 All week we’ve been getting ready for Scientology’s big event in Chicago today, but what exactly is going on []

Podcast: Mark Bunker explains that David Miscavige is not ‘missing,’ he’s HIDING

 Over the last few days, you’ve probably noticed some breathless tabloid claims that Scientology’s leader David Miscavige has gone []

David Miscavige says 4 new Scientology ‘Ideal Orgs’ are coming soon — but where?

[The whales came out for New Year’s Eve]

 We’re still thinking about what Scientology leader David Miscavige reportedly promised on New Year’s Eve (which we know about thanks to some reporting by Mike Rinder): That he plans to open four new “Ideal Orgs” just in the first quarter of 2023 (which ends on March 31, if []

David Miscavige lives in Florida when he’s sued in LA, and in LA when he’s sued in Tampa

 Scientology files pages and pages of confusing stuff to courts all the time, and that’s the case again in the labor trafficking lawsuit in Tampa. Scientology leader David Miscavige had an attorney file a lengthy document this week in order to oppose a motion that is trying to get Miscavige declared an official defendant in []

Judge sets Jan 20 hearing for motion to serve Scientology leader in trafficking case

[Attorney Neil Glazer is still trying to serve Scientology leader David Miscavige]

 Now this is the showdown we were telling you just the other day that we’d like to see!

After Scientology leader David Miscavige finally had a lawyer appear for him in the Tampa federal labor trafficking lawsuit (and simply in order to keep him out []