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For at least eight months, the US Department of Homeland Security has been investigating allegations of human trafficking in the Church of Scientology, TONYORTEGA.ORG has learned.

Since at least the spring, agents with Homeland Security working out of its Tampa office have been interviewing former members of the church who have information about the way children []


John Travolta and Olivia Newton-John Christmas Video Confirms Mayan End-of-World Prophecy

That meany Jon Stewart and just about everyone else has made fun of this video from America’s favorite cute movie couple, Danny Zuko and Sandy Olsson.

But we know that our readers will have special affection for this darling Christmas carol that features so many of the things that make the holidays []

Only 2,418 Scientologists in England and Wales, Vastly Outnumbered by Jedi Knights

After all the new “Ideal Org” churches David Miscavige has been opening around the world in the last decade, there must be a giant surge of new members joining the Church of Scientology, right?

Um, well, no. In fact, the figures from the 2011 England and Wales census are out, and they are grim. In the []

Tiziano Lugli Releases Non-Nazanin Boniadi Version of “Blown for Good” Rap

Tiziano Lugli just released at his website a new version of the “Blown for Good” rap that he and Marc Headley (author of the book Blown For Good) conceived and recorded.

When we were in Los Angeles, Tiziano played for us a version of the song that featured several ex-Scientologists, including Nazanin Boniadi, who was once []

Speaking of Scientology Rap, Did Someone Mention CHILL E.B.?

Speak of the []

Nazanin Boniadi Speaks! Or Rather, Raps, About Scientology’s “Blind Alley”

Well, we’ve been looking forward to bringing you this for some time now, and thanks to the folks over at Gawker, it’s now live, for all the world to see.

The too-cool-for-school commenters over there will crap all over the video of course, which is as predictable as the sun rising in the morning.

But we trust []

DOX: Autopsy Report of Scientology President’s Son, Alexander Jentzsch

Alexander Jentzsch, a “Middle Eastern” man?

That’s one of the odd things we found in the autopsy report of the son of Church of Scientology President Heber Jentzsch, who was found dead on July 3 at the home of his in-laws.

We reported earlier what the Los Angeles Department of Coroner told us, that Jentzsch died []

Jenni Rivera Missing, Plane Crash Suspected

Just saw the news that Jenni Rivera, the Mexican-American singer from Los Angeles, is missing after her plane lost contact with air traffic controllers in Mexico. (The latest news is that wreckage of the plane was found, and there were no survivors. This is really sad news.)

A decade ago, when we were writing for a []

Sunday Funnies: Scientology Needs Your Cash!

Once again our tipsters have come through for us this week, and we have another diverting set of Scientology fundraising mailers for our Sunday Funnies.

We’re counting on our formidable commenting community to analyze, synthesize, and deconstruct these latest dispatches from David Miscavige’s leaky barge of a church.

Is there a common theme running through them? We’ll []

Scientology and Past Lives: Was L. Ron Hubbard Actually Serious?

A funny thing happened on Thursday. We reviewed Vance Woodward’s book, Addicted to Scientology, and noted that one of the more interesting things in it was Woodward’s contention that a close reading of Scientology’s foundational texts convinced him that L. Ron Hubbard thought of past-life therapy as a form of make-believe.

Scientologists, however, take very seriously []