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The best TV show on Scientology you never got to see, Episode 3: Carol Nyburg

[Carol, when she was the friendly face at Flag]

In 2016, the A&E Network had filmed and edited an eight-episode series about Scientology that has never []


PODCAST: Marc Headley answers the question, would a Scientologist lie about Xenu?

[Tommy Scherer and his old friend, Marc ‘Scientology Jesus’ Headley]

On August 8, we posted a couple of videos for your consumption. One of them featured some young kids showing off their Scientology indoctrination at the Dublin Ideal []

The best TV show on Scientology you never got to see, Episode 2: Derek Bloch

 In 2016, the A&E Network had filmed and edited an eight-episode series about Scientology that has never []

PODCAST: She did Scientology’s dirty work, and then made historic amends for it

 As a Scientology watcher, you’ve probably had loads of fun soaking up Tom Cruise in a black turtleneck talking about what an L. Ron Hubbard fan he is in an infamous 9-minute video recorded in 2004 and leaked in 2008. Or you’ve plumbed the depths of the Hubbard death announcement event held at the Hollywood []

Special series starting today: The best TV show on Scientology you never got to see

[Phil Jones]

In 2016, the A&E Network was preparing to take on the Church of Scientology in a big way.

What few people knew, however, was that the network was in a bit of a []

PODCAST: Checking on our predictions about Scientology celebs with expert Geoff Levin

[Geoff has the Celebrity Centre dope]

We know that many people are drawn to Scientology watching because of its celebrities, and we also have a certain fascination with them. And certainly, there’s a lot of press about them. Seems like just about every week you’ll see a breathless piece somewhere counting down Scientology’s celebrities, or listing []

PODCAST: Pete Griffiths, the SP who ran a Scientology mission

 We’ve known Pete Griffiths for years and we’ve written numerous stories about him, but the piece he wrote for us recently really seemed to hit a chord with the Bunker community. []

PODCAST: Sunny Pereira spills secrets of Scientology’s Hollywood Celebrity Centre

 One of our favorite correspondents here at the Bunker has been Sunny Pereira, a former Sea Org member who served in the Hollywood Celebrity Centre. She’s written devastating pieces for us not only about what happens there, but also how her own family was ripped apart by Scientology’s toxic []

PODCAST: Bruce Hines on Scientology Sea Org insanity, and a Shelly story we hadn’t heard

[Bruce Hines]

We have been so fortunate that Bruce Hines continues to mine his experience as one of Scientology’s top auditors in a series of pieces that he’s written for the Underground Bunker. His tales from the Sea Org not only capture the paramilitary group’s insanity, but Bruce is better than most at describing what he []

Podcast: Claire Headley on the questions Tom Cruise never gets asked

 This week, Tom Cruise reached a new milestone as his movie Top Gun: Maverick became his first ever billion-dollar box office smash. But amid all the hoopla, several people have dared to dampen the party by pointing out that Tom, besides being a movie star, is also the face and the symbol for a certain []