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Scientology’s desperate response to pandemic is to let us see just how creepy it really is

 It’s been almost a month since Scientology canceled its L. Ron Hubbard Birthday Event in Clearwater, Florida on March 13 and church leader David Miscavige put out his secret “bulletin” responding to the coronavirus []


With Scientology largely shut down by the pandemic, the few remaining members reminisce

[Ah, back in the day…]

We’ve been telling you for years that Scientology is in trouble. From a height of about 100,000 active members around the year 1990 (Scientology has never had the “millions” it’s always claimed), that number has steadily decreased until our most recent estimate from a recent high-ranking defector is fewer than 20,000 []

In the pandemic epicenter, Scientology’s New York Org puts on a fab virtual ‘Sunday Service’

 We want to thank the tipster who sent us a link to this fabulous video put out by Scientology’s New York ‘Ideal Org.’ It’s pretty much everything we needed in this []

Scientology million-dollar donor on COVID-19: ‘Healthy people don’t get sick’

 For years we’ve kept tabs on Jim Mathers, a particularly high-energy Scientology gladhander, OT 8 parishioner, Gold Meritorious donor ($1 million) and all around globetrotting ambassador for []

Scientology, stop being so stupid during the pandemic. We have some advice for you.

 We have a message for the Orlando Scientology org. There is no such thing as coming together to fight the coronavirus. Staying apart is how you fight the pandemic. And yet, you sent a team of six into this Catholic priest’s home to spray disinfectant (see above), and all you did is expose him to []

Scientology is dying to keep you well from the pandemic it doesn’t believe in

 Don’t miss our bonus coverage last night about Clearwater Police Chief Dan Slaughter’s inspection of the Flag Land []

Clearwater police chief: Scientology is complying with orders during the pandemic

[Bunker, with Leah Remini and Mike Rinder, in a previous exchange with Clearwater police]

We followed up with Mark Bunker today, and he had news for us about Scientology continuing to operate its “Flag Land Base” in Clearwater, Florida, where Bunker was sworn in this week as a new city []

Scientologists are convinced that they can rescue the planet from deadly pandemic

 We often say that what Scientology offers which appeals to the small percentage of people who become involved in it is this: Certainty. []

Scientology tries desperately to keep members from letting reality sink in during pandemic

 It’s becoming increasingly clear that what terrifies Scientology most about the coronavirus pandemic is that while its few remaining members are stuck at home, L. Ron Hubbard’s control techniques are going to wear off, and reality is going to begin to set []

‘PROTECT THE ORG’ is Scientology’s highest purpose says new edict

[The “Decon Seven Sanitation Team” in Johannesburg, here to Clear the planet]

Here’s the latest word from Los Angeles, where Scientologists are told that although “public” (meaning non-staff Scientologists) are encouraged to do extension courses while they are isolating in their homes, Scientology’s facilities are still open and operating, and that members on site for advanced []