[Danny Masterson and Tom Mesereau leave court on June 7]
We post a lot of court documents here at the Underground Bunker. It’s one of the things that sets this news site apart from others: We often show you the documents in a case rather than simply describe them to […]
[Marci Hamilton and Valerie Haney]
After Scientology told the US Supreme Court that Valerie Haney’s predicament is not a First Amendment issue, Valerie has fired back with a reply we think you’re going to want to […]
[Brian Statler, with sword, fan, and cane, when he first came into the Inglewood org]
In the 2019 death of Brian Statler at the Scientology “Ideal Org” in Inglewood, California, much was made of the “samurai sword” that witnesses said he had with him. But we pointed out at the time that breaking news coverage seemed […]
Yesterday, we noticed that there was a new notation at the US Supreme Court in regards to Valerie Haney’s petition: “DISTRIBUTED for Conference of […]
[Chrissie Bixler and Scientology’s attorneys, Forman and Hinks]
Just days after shocking testimony from three women who accuse Scientology celebrity Danny Masterson of raping them, the California Supreme Court made a stunning decision in favor of those same three women, who are also suing Masterson and the Church of Scientology in a civil lawsuit. […]
In May, Valerie Haney’s legal team (specifically constitutional scholar Marci Hamilton) filed a petition with the US Supreme Court, asking it to step in and prevent the Church of Scientology from forcing Valerie into its “religious arbitration.”
Scientology’s response was due yesterday, and attorneys Robert Mangels (RTC) and William Forman (CSI) got their filing submitted in […]
[The Apollo]
They are two of Scientology’s more notorious deaths, and both of which have been the source of speculation and controversy over the years. And both of them happen to fall on the same […]
[On Cleveland Street yesterday]
So now it can be told. While we were preparing for our quick trip to LA to cover Danny Masterson’s criminal arraignment, we heard from a French television network that wondered if we might be able to help them with a segment on Scientology they were […]
[Danny and his Hollyridge Drive estate]
Last September we told you about something very strange we had run across looking through federal litigation: In 2013 Danny Masterson had begun a rather quixotic fight with the mortgage holders of his Hollywood house. Acting as his own lawyer in multiple lawsuits he filed, he had turned in nearly […]
[Masterson, his attorney Tom Mesereau, and Danny’s mother Carol leave the building.]
Today’s court hearing was brief, but we learned a few things about Danny Masterson’s upcoming challenge facing rape charges that may put him in prison for 45 years to life if he’s […]