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Report: Scientology Sea Org women forced to get IUD inserted before they can marry

 Karen de la Carriere let us know she’s done a video interview with Rachael Hastings, the former Scientology camerawoman who made such an interesting emergence recently talking to Leah Remini and Mike []


Biggest protest since Anonymous era planned for Scientology leader’s return to England

[The IAS tent begins to take shape at Saint Hill]

In May, former London Scientology staffer Alexander “Apostate Alex” Barnes-Ross introduced himself to the Underground Bunker []

Before the IAS gala returns to England, here are photos secretly taken at the 2012 event

 After a three-year drought, Scientology’s big tent party for celebrating its wealthy donors — the annual IAS gala — is returning to Saint Hill, Scientology’s UK headquarters in East Grinstead, England. According to a flier, the three-day shindig is returning for the weekend of November 3-5, and the excitement is []

Indie Scientologists after their protest: We want to hear from church members about abuses

Last week we were curious about how the protest of independent Scientologists had panned out at Scientology’s Los Angeles []

Scientology makes an exception for ABCMouse honcho, will hold memorial for Doug Dohring

Our readers know that we’ve become accustomed over the years to writing remembrances for Scientology figures because the church itself is usually silent about the passing of even some of its most important []

Scientology’s plan to take over Battle Creek, Michigan is going according to plan!

 David Miscavige is actually doing gangbusters business and especially in Battle Creek, Michigan, which should be a Scientology oblast any day []

Oh, now they’ve done it: Scientology gets in trouble with the Smurfs

 How many times have we seen Scientology blatantly make use of copyrighted images in their fundraising materials, co-opting movies like Top Gun and Braveheart and the superhero []

More proof that Scientology is taking over the planet, you doubters

 We know you think David Miscavige is on the ropes, what with Leah Remini and everyone else suing him, and process servers hunting him down, and his Austin Ideal Org grand opening ceremony canceled, and so many questions being asked about his wife, []

Scientology has a toxic effect on family: A testimonial

Sunny Pereira’s remarkable piece about growing up in Scientology garnered a big response, including this dispatch that was emailed to us by a reader. We thought you’d want to see []

The OT 7s turned away at the gates: A Scientology blunder that reveals so much

[Cindy Plahuta and the under-construction Super Power Building]

After our recent special series about Scientology’s most secretive subsidiary, the Church of Spiritual Technology (part 1, part 2, part 3), we heard from an unlikely source about CST’s bizarre []