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Clearwater city council rejects move by Scientologists to remove Mark Bunker from DDB

[David Albritton said Bunker should remain even if the seats are reduced]

At tonight’s city council meeting, Clearwater Mayor Frank Hibbard announced that he was opposed to the Downtown Development Board’s resolution to reduce the number of ex-officio seats from two to one, and the other members then followed []


Aussie journo Ben Schneiders helps us grasp the fuss he’s kicked up about Scientology

 A few weeks ago we were first contacted by Australian journalist Ben Schneiders, who told us he was trying to figure out why Scientology was reporting such a huge increase in revenue in that country in recent []

Talk about ‘enabling’ Scientology, watch this craven plan to kick Mark Bunker off board

[Attorney Elise Winters]

In 1997, when the death of Lisa McPherson had plunged the city of Clearwater into a frenzy of bad press and even the New York Times had come down to the Florida gulf town to cover the controversy, writer Douglas Franz found at least one local figure arguing that the town needed to []

Florida legislator Chris Latvala goes after Tampa Bay Times for its Scientology reporting

[Florida Rep. Chris Latvala at a 2015 opening for a Scientology rehab]

Our thanks to ISNOINews for making us aware of a wild exchange that took place last night on Twitter between Florida Rep. Chris Latvala and Tracey McManus, reporter for the Tampa Bay Times. []

Gretchen Carlson slams Danny Masterson and Scientology ‘arbitration’ to Congress

 Former Fox News anchor Gretchen Carlson took her battle against forced arbitration and secrecy agreements that keep sexual harassment under wraps to a House Judiciary subcommittee today, and as an example of the way women are prevented from getting justice she brought up the case of Danny Masterson’s rape accusers, who have been forced into []

Ted the tour guide called ‘bigoted hate group’ by Scientologist city board member

[Ted Reinhard and Downtown Development Board chair Paris Morfopoulos]

Well that didn’t take long. On Tuesday we told you about Ted Reinhard, the Clearwater, Florida tour guide who has decided to start offering guided walking tours of the city’s creepy downtown, which is dominated by the Church of Scientology and it’s “spiritual mecca,” the Flag Land []

Scientology anti-masker Leigh Dundas absconds to Mexico, Jan 6 video of her turns up

 Last year we first told you about Scientology’s rising anti-vaxx anti-mask star, “human rights attorney” Leigh Dundas, and we showed you some of her fiery speeches as she terrorized Orange County officials who were trying to get people to wear masks during a global []

Scientology takes boards down after Inauguration riots failed to materialize

[The chipboard comes down in San Diego]

In December, we noticed something odd: Many of Scientology’s orgs across the United States were boarded up like they were going out of []

More social media gold: Post-riot, it’s clear that Scientology is the planet’s only hope!

 Scientologists, like the rest of us, couldn’t help noticing that things got a little dicey at the US Capitol last week. But Hubbardites are also very skilled at shielding themselves from the non-Scientology world, and they tend to encourage each other just to press on with the tasks L. Ron Hubbard left behind for them []

Scientology’s anti-mask star Leigh Dundas may have overdone it at Capitol riot

[Leigh makes the scene]

On January 5, a week ago, someone tagged us in a tweet about Leigh Dundas, the Orange County Scientologist anti-vaxx anti-mask “human rights lawyer,” giving another of her unhinged screeds in front of a crowd, but this time it was in Washington []