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When Scientology founder L. Ron Hubbard tried for the 2nd time to become a bigamist

With the publication of his epic history of Scientology, Going Clear: Scientology, Hollywood, and the Prison of Belief, New Yorker staffer Lawrence Wright uncovered a lot of new ground that left many of us []


Bijou Phillips divorcing Danny Masterson: A marriage over, or a purely legal maneuver?

center>[Photo by Meghann Cuniff]

We were in the courtroom on May 31 when the verdict was read and Bijou Phillips wailed as her husband Danny Masterson was convicted of two counts of forcible rape. It was a sound we will never []

Scientology targets another international capital city, and we have the hype video!

 We’ve had something of a Down Under theme here lately at the Underground Bunker. On Sunday, we appeared in another 60 Minutes Australia segment, about Ashton Kutcher and Mila Kunis. And the next day we got to hear about the Conley family and its connection to Kate Ceberano, Australia’s most well-known []

‘Ellen’ from the Scientology ‘Day Care from Hell’ story comes forward

Yesterday, we told you we had an update from our 2015 Scientology ‘Day Care from Hell’ []

A Julian Swartz production: The Scientology day-care from hell

 Back in 2015 when we first wrote about him, there hadn’t been court testimony about Julian Swartz and his deeds as an enforcer for David []

VIDEO: Russell Miller on how he was targeted by Scientology for his Hubbard biography

 If there is only one book you are going to read about Scientology, let it be Russell Miller’s epochal biography of L. Ron Hubbard, Bare-Faced []


 It’s not every day that we get a Scientology private investigator under oath, and so we’re grateful to David Smith and Susanne Gold-Smith that they deposed former NYPD detective Yanti Michael Greene this week, and then we got ahold of some of the []

Greek church calls BS on Scientology: Why doesn’t this happen more often?

 The Holy Synod of the Greek Orthodox Church – the church’s ruling body – has issued a warning to Greeks about Scientology infiltrating public institutions, such as schools, under the guise of drug awareness activities. In a statement released on 5 September, it []

More letters — from Ethan Suplee and others — on behalf of Danny Masterson to Judge Olmedo

 Last week, we created a firestorm when we published letters by Ashton Kutcher and Mila Kunis that they had written to Judge Charlaine Olmedo, asking for leniency after their That ‘70s Show costar Danny Masterson was convicted May 31 for two counts of forcible []

The Jane Doe victim statements at Danny Masterson’s sentencing: The transcript

[Listen well, Danny]

On the day of Thursday’s sentencing, we couldn’t be in Los Angeles, but we had several correspondents letting us know what was going on, including one who took detailed []