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Scientology’s obsession with City Councilman Mark Bunker is truly off the charts

 It probably would not surprise you to learn that once Mark Bunker was elected to the Clearwater city council in March, Scientology began obsessively submitting records requests to the city to get copies of every single communication Bunker has made either on his public or private devices and social media []


Mark Bunker wants to get the FBI looking at Scientology in Clearwater

 [Make sure you’ve seen yesterday afternoon’s breaking news about Jane Doe’s lawsuit being []

Scientology denied: Watch Clearwater church members calling Mark Bunker a bigot

 On Thursday night, seven prominent Clearwater businessmen spoke to the city council, urging that its newest member, Mark Bunker, not be added to the city’s Downtown Development []

Clearwater police chief: Scientology is complying with orders during the pandemic

[Bunker, with Leah Remini and Mike Rinder, in a previous exchange with Clearwater police]

We followed up with Mark Bunker today, and he had news for us about Scientology continuing to operate its “Flag Land Base” in Clearwater, Florida, where Bunker was sworn in this week as a new city []

Mark Bunker, now as city councilman, confronts issues with Scientology on day one

 Mark Bunker was relieved yesterday to finally get the results back on his COVID-19 test — it was negative — because he had a big day of “orientation” as a new city councilman in Clearwater, Florida. He tells that he was pretty excited to be let into his new office, and to receive a city []

Clearwater takes a stand against Scientology: MARK BUNKER WINS!

 UPDATE: With 100 percent of precincts reporting, Mark Bunker wins a city council seat in Clearwater tonight with 5988 votes, 200 more than the second-place []

Scientologist says the church is telling Clearwater members not to vote for Mark Bunker

[Mark Bunker and Pat Harney]

One of our readers in Clearwater, Florida describes themselves as someone who recently began having doubts about the organization and for a few weeks has been looking around the Internet about Scientology, including this []