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When Scientology founder L. Ron Hubbard offered Polaroid his genius

 TODAY AT SUBSTACK: If you’ve signed up for free emails at Substack, you will receive today’s feature story at your inbox: Scientology’s encyclopedia about its founder includes a volume about what a master photographer L. Ron Hubbard was. And it reprints a 1964 letter Hubbard wrote to Edwin Land to inform him about a flaw []


When Scientology’s founder, aboard his flagship, reported on his trip into time-travel

TODAY AT SUBSTACK: If you’ve signed up for free emails at Substack, you will receive today’s feature story at your inbox: Would you have been swayed when Scientology founder L. Ron Hubbard claimed he had lived in ancient times and had tracked down details in ruins from his past life memories, and with his crew []

For the first time, read L. Ron Hubbard gushing about working with Leni Riefenstahl

[Photo Illustration by Elizabeth Brockway/The Daily Beast]

We have a very special treat for you today, and it’s thanks to Mitch Brisker.

Mitch is one of the most interesting people to come out of Scientology in recent years, he has a memorable book out, and we’ve actually been talking to him for a couple of years. One []

Scientology founder L. Ron Hubbard’s 112th birthday: What’s your favorite tall tale of his?

 One hundred and twelve years ago today, on March 13, 1911, the Great Thetan, the Commodore, Source, LRH, the Great OT, yes L. Ron Hubbard himself, was born in Tilden, []

That time Scientology founder L. Ron Hubbard bitched to followers about his income

[Founder L. Ron Hubbard: Can’t anyone think of my needs?]

 We were delighted to hear recently from Mirriam Francis, who wondered if we had looked closely at a particular 1959 “policy letter” issued by Scientology founder L. Ron []

When Scientology founder L. Ron Hubbard revealed how crazy your afterlife will be

[L. Ron loved his space opera]

On Easter Sunday, we joined in with Mike Rinder to tell you about L. Ron Hubbard’s history of describing Christianity as a fraud perpetrated by a galactic overlord. []

It’s a Scientology Easter bonnet parade: Founder L. Ron Hubbard in his best finery!

We wish a fulfilling Ramadan, Passover, or Easter to all of those who partake in these ancient and venerated religious milestones around the world, and which this year have all happened to overlap with one []

When Scientology founder L. Ron Hubbard decided to get tough with squirrels

[Hubbard in England, 1959]

On Thursday we posted another story about Danny Masterson’s rape accusers — three women who are former members of the Church of Scientology and who say they’ve been going through intense harassment since they came forward to the LAPD in 2016 with their allegations about Danny, a prominent celebrity member of the []

L. Ron Hubbard prepares his Scientology fans as he changes his ‘science’ into a ‘religion’

Looking back through Scientology’s history, as we do, we ran across an interesting announcement by L. Ron Hubbard in January 1954 that we were unfamiliar []

As Thanksgiving begins to get back to normal, it’s time to pass the Source again!

 A year ago, we hoped that our U.S. readers were marking the Thanksgiving holiday by not gathering with their friends and family. []